Welcome back to Fostering Compassion, the podcast that goes beyond thoughts and prayers to provide real support. In this episode, we dive into the power of nonviolence just in time for the Season of Nonviolence.
Our last episode touched on crucial issues like the Child Tax Credit and foster youth support. Exciting news on bipartisan bills addressing these concerns. But now, let's shift gears to nonviolence – a theme close to my heart.
As we kick off the Season of Nonviolence, inspired by Gandhi and MLK Jr., we delve into the principles that shape peaceful change. Did you know it only takes 3.5% of a population to engage in nonviolent resistance to bring about change?
Join me in exploring historical nonviolent movements, such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Greensboro lunch counter sit-in, and the impactful ACT UP demonstrations during the AIDS epidemic. These stories remind us that nonviolence can truly reshape societies.
We'll also look ahead, discussing current issues and how we can incorporate nonviolence into our lives. Want creative ways to take action? Check out the 198 nonviolent actions at aeinstein.org.
Don't miss this insightful journey into nonviolence, courage, and compassion. Tune in, engage, and let's foster a culture of peace together.
Follow: @FosteringCompassionpod
Reach out: Tibby@FosteringCompassionpod.com
- Child Tax Credit
- Bill Before Congress Would Provide Foster Youth With Guaranteed Income
- The Flint, Michigan, Sit-Down Strike
- Arab Spring
- US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
- Carnegie Global Protest Tracker
- 198 nonviolent actions
- Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict Erica Chenoweth Maria J. Stephan
- This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century Mark Engler, Paul Engler
- The Force of Nonviolence: The Ethical in the Political Judith Butler
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