In this episode of the Leadership Podcast, Sylvain engages with Bernie, an expert in management and leadership, who holds the Drucker Chair in Management and Liberal Arts at the Drucker School in Claremont, California. Bernie discusses his book, "Creating the Organization of the Future," which integrates the teachings of Peter Drucker and Confucius. The conversation centers on essential organizational choices regarding mission, vision, purpose, values, and culture, emphasizing the need for adaptability and alignment. Benny highlights the importance of making clear choices, time management, calmness in leadership, and the ability to learn and adapt in a rapidly changing market environment.
Show notes:
Book “The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail” by Clayton M. Christensen
Zappos Culture book
Book “Creating the Organization of the Future: Building on Drucker and Confucius Foundations” by Bernard Jaworski and Virginia Cheung
Book “The Concept of the Corporation” by Peter Drucker
Book “Deep Purpose” by Ranjay Gulati
Leadership Spark Podcast with Ranjay Gulati on his book “Deep Purpose”
Book “The Effective Executive” by Peter Drucker