• Creators Field - Episode 19: Inner Critic or Inner Child
    Mar 16 2022

    Why do we grow from external critique yet fall to pieces at our own inner critic? - Is there a reason the two are viewed so differently? Why are we so offended by our inner critic? Is it really our inner child? 
    Join writers Sarah and Marie discuss Criticism and everything that surrounds it!
    Mental Health fragility amongst the Creative Community is huge - Sarah and Marie dig deep to bring you a place to feel welcome, excepted and understood.

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    40 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 18: Do we need boundaries?
    Mar 11 2022

    This episode is for everyone who has ever questioned their boundaries! Do we need them? How do we make them? Why should we? And ... does it offend people? 
    Listen to authors Marie and Sarah discuss and dissect their boundaries.
    Creator's Field podcast is a Mental Health show for the Creative Community and beyond.
    Nothing is taboo and everyone is welcome. 

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    40 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 17: How to train your Creative friend! (Or Not)!
    Mar 2 2022

    You've found a friend - then you find out they are a Creative! What does this mean for your friendship? What nuances are you going to have to accept and should you try to tame them?
    Join Sarah & Marie who discuss everything from being in the Creative Community to Mental Health and all that falls in between.

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    45 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 16: Expectations
    Feb 23 2022

    Creatives have expectations for themselves and their art but is this a motivator or a stressor? Great Expectations or Pressured Expectations? Writers Sarah and Marie bring to the table two very different views in this episode of Creator's Field Podcast.
    This is a space where Mental health amongst the Creative Community is explored.
    Nothing is taboo and everyone is welcome!

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    44 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 15: Monkey Mind
    Feb 17 2022

    When a Creative and Mental Health collide it can be messy and complicated - often one comes in hand with the other but Why? Why are creators at more risk from Mental Health issues? 
    Writers Marie Stegger Schmidt and Sarah Surgey wanted to know too - So they've been on a journey to find out!
    Today they look into the little known phenomenon of MONKEY MIND 
    Have you heard of monkey mind? Do you have it? Not sure? Listen up and join the Creative Community who are finding a lot out about themselves and their Mental health.

    Nothing is Taboo and Everyone is Welcome!

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    46 mins
  • Creator's Field - Episode 14: Danglish
    Feb 10 2022

    Creator's Field Podcast is a safe space where writers, Marie Stegger Schmidt & Sarah Surgey talk about all things creative and mental health! They sit in the UK and Denmark to discuss the link between these two hugely important topics and communities - but have you wondered what the differences are between the two countries and how they view Mental Health and Creativity? Well, Marie and Sarah did! Listen to them work through the cultural differences between the two countries.
    Nothing is taboo and everyone is welcome!

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    47 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 13: New me?
    Feb 2 2022

    It's the first Creator's Field Podcast episode of 2022 and Marie & Sarah are talking about coming out of TWO YEARS of lockdowns and restrictions! What has that done to your mental health? How have you coped with it (or not?) Have you said to yourself "it's time for a New Me? Or is the OLD you a GOLD you and you're sticking with it?
    Listen to Marie and Sarah talk about everything above and more!
    The safe space where nothing is taboo and everyone is welcome!

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    43 mins
  • Creators Field - Episode 12: Christmas Break
    Dec 21 2021

    Christmas Break: Writer's Marie Stegger Schmidt and Sarah Surgey wrap up in gift paper the last episode of 2021!

    And they are talking about everything Christmas! Do you release your inner creator and go crazy with decorations, crafting and baking or do you take this time to stop, relax, reflect or even break? What does the Christmas period bring to your life?

    Grab a Glögg, sprinkle that tinsel and sit down for a little bit and listen!

    Merry Christmas!

    Marie & Sarah

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    45 mins