• Sacrifices in the Millennium?!? The Ezekiel series, part 81 (Chapters 45-46)
    Mar 10 2025

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/PgafyQOcVEU?feature=share

    We’ve been studying in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus for the past few months here on the podcast, and today we’ll returning to Ezekiel once again to see what he has to say about it.

    You may remember that Ezekiel was a priest, and yet he was carried off to Babylon as a captive before his priesthood would have began on his 30th birthday, so he never got to serve in the Jerusalem Temple.

    However, in the last 9 chapters of his book, God gives Ezekiel something that’s pretty special: a time-traveling tour of the future Temple that will be in Jerusalem for the thousand year reign of Christ.

    So we’ve been talking about that tour and covered 5 chapters of it so far. We’ll cover two more tonight.

    I’m not sure if I’ve commented on this yet, but this is actually Ezekiel’s SECOND temple tour in his book.

    He was also given a visionary temple tour of the Jerusalem temple back in chapters 8 through 11, and that one didn’t go so well. He bore witness to all the terrible things taking place within God’s holy temple. That vision was kind of a bummer. The glory of God LEFT.

    In this tour though, the glory of God came back. So the future looks bright in God’s Kingdom.

    Except for one thing we see taking place in this future Temple that doesn’t look so pleasant. If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve heard that there will be sacrifices taking place in this Millennial Temple.

    Why would there be sacrifices taking place when Jesus was the once-and-for-all sacrifice on the cross at Calvary? Doesn’t Hebrews make it pretty clear that God doesn’t need anymore sacrifices for sins?

    We’re going to discuss that today on the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • The Government on His Shoulders: Society in the Millennium
    Mar 3 2025

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/uozruwJ8R9g?feature=share

    We love to quote this at Christmastime about the baby Jesus:

    Isaiah 9:6-7

    6 For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
    and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    7 Of the increase of his government and of peace
    there will be no end,
    on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
    to establish it and to uphold it
    with justice and with righteousness
    from this time forth and forevermore.
    The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

    What many don’t realize is that only the first seven words of verse 6 pertained to Christmas: “for to us a child is born…”

    Then there was a 33-year gap, followed by the next six words: “to us a son is given;”

    And after those words has been a gap 2,000 years and counting.

    The government has not been placed upon His shoulders yet. But when it is: what will it be like? That’s what we’ll be discussing today on the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    43 mins
  • Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to LOSE Them
    Feb 24 2025

    I recently re-read Dave Ramsey’s book on a Total Money Makeover. It gives you the baby steps you can take to be completely financially independent and financially healthy and even financially wealthy. It often says if you’ll live like no one else now, you can live like no one else later. Meaning if you’ll live a very frugal and sacrificial life today, you can experience a life of abundance in your later years.

    A lot of us think about financial security for the future. We pay into social security. We pay into retirement accounts, Roth IRAs and investments. We accumulate land, property and possessions; we build equity in our homes. All so that we can spend the last 10 or 20 years we have on this planet as comfortably as possible.

    Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with saving for retirement. There’s nothing wrong with Dave Ramsey’s book; like I said, I’ve read it twice. I encourage you to read it at least once as well.

    But those retirement years are a drop in the bucket compared to the time we’re going to spend in the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus. And of course, statistically those 20 years are nothing compared to our eternities in heaven.

    So we are way way off-base, I would say, with how much time we spend planning for our retirement compared to how much time we spend planning for forever.

    And it’s one thing to earn rewards. That’s what we talked about in last week’s episode.

    But did you know the Bible also has quite a bit to say about losing them?

    I mean, think of the devastation you’d feel if you lost your retirement account.

    What a tragedy of an even greater magnitude to put in the work and the effort and the accomplishment of gaining a millennial kingdom reward only to lose it?

    And what are the things we can do to lose our rewards? You’ll find out today on the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    37 mins
  • Millennial Kingdom Rewards: How to Earn Them
    Feb 17 2025

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link:


    You’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before about eternal rewards. You’ve probably heard sermons or bible studies before on the judgment seat of Christ.

    But have you ever thought specifically about what rewards you can gain for the Millennial Kingdom: that thousand-year period where Christ reigns on planet earth physical after the tribulation and second coming of Christ?

    This is not heaven. Heaven’s gonna go on forever. But the Millennial Kingdom will be its own unique time period. We’ve been studying it lately here on the podcast.

    And what I’m finding is that a lot of the verses that we apply to our future in heaven might more accurately apply to this Millennial Kingdom. Including some of the verses on our rewards.

    So you’ve probably heard about Eternal Rewards before. But today I want us to specifically focus on those millennial kingdom rewards.

    And probably what you’d most like to know about them:

    What you can do to earn them.

    That’s what you’ll find out today on the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    47 mins
  • Fan-Favorite (Rebroadcast): Who is Ezekiel? A Conversation with Nate Vainio
    Feb 10 2025

    A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here. I previously ran this interview in three segments last May, but here it is again in its entirety.

    If you want to hear more of Nate's golden voice, check out the Something to Gnaw On podcast.

    Check back next week for a new episode talking about the heavenly rewards we earn while on this earth. How to gain them, how to lose them, and what they actually are.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Your Role in the Millennial Reign of Christ: The Ezekiel series, part 80 (Chapter 44)
    Feb 3 2025

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link:


    At the start of this year, I heard a tremendous quote that has motivated me like nothing else.

    “If you died today, what dreams would die with you?”

    Man, that has lit a fire under me going into 2025.

    I’m 34. I am getting a greater grasp of the passage of time. I’m realizing my time on this earth is limited. I’m recognizing that all these dreams and ideas I’ve had that I’d like to do in my life have a time limit, and if I don’t start making them happen, I might run out of time to ever make them happen. So it’s been a very motivating thought, like I said. And I hope you’ll take it seriously for your life, too.

    What if I told you the gifts you have do not have to die with you, the dreams you have do not necessarily die with you, the plans of things you’d like to someday do will not necessarily die with you?

    If those dreams and ideas are of God, they may have a purpose beyond your lifetime. They could be fulfilled in the Millennium

    As we look at Ezekiel 44 today, we’ll find out that our purpose in the thousand-year-reign of Christ might have a parallel to our purposes right now today? We will explore that idea on this episode of the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    55 mins
  • The Glory Returns: The Ezekiel series, part 79 (Chapter 43)
    Jan 27 2025

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://youtube.com/live/ye6GWXH564A?feature=share

    Why did God want Ezekiel to see this future Millennial Temple of Jesus’ thousand-year kingdom?

    Why does it go into such painstakingly precise (and often “boring’) detail?

    And how was Antiochus Epiphanes able to charge into God’s Holy of Holies without dying all those years ago?

    AND- what does any of this stuff about Ezekiel’s vision of a future temple have to do with our lives today?

    You’ll find out the answers to all those questions today on the Cross References podcast!

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    50 mins
  • The Final Temple: The Ezekiel series, part 78 (Chapters 40-42)
    Jan 20 2025

    The Final Temple: The Ezekiel series, part 78 (Chapters 40-42)

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/NInu4KGFKs4?si=1f7tgsTj41pYaOOy

    Temples are important in Scripture. They are holy. They are sacred. They mark a point of connection between God and man.

    Temples were where God would come down and dwell with His people.

    The Bible has multiple temples mentioned; seven, by my count.

    And Ezekiel’s Temple is the Final Temple. And the Bible tells us A LOT about it, and you’ll find out what it says today on the Cross References podcast.

    If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.com

    If you’re looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel’s visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I’m glad you’re here, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

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    57 mins