• Escaping the Shadows – An Interview with Lucia Muir, Former Jehovah's Witness
    Jun 23 2024

    Ep #19: Escaping the Shadows – An Interview with Lucia Muir, Former Jehovah's Witness

    In this riveting episode, we sit down with Lucia Muir, a former member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, who was born into the organization and endured a harrowing journey of abuse, trauma, and shunning. Lucia's story is one of repeated attempts to break free, only to be pulled back into the grips of the organization throughout her life.

    Lucia shares her painful experiences, including childhood abuse by a family member. Tragically, when she sought help, both her parents and the church sided with her abuser, branding her a liar. This led to tumultuous teenage years where she found herself isolated and unsupported.

    In an attempt to escape her dire situation, Lucia married at just 17, only to find herself in another controlling and abusive relationship. Throughout these struggles, Lucia also endured years of mistreatment by her mentally ill mother before finally leaving her oppressive environment.

    Join us as we explore Lucia's incredible story of resilience and recovery. This episode is not just a testament to her strength but also a beacon of hope for anyone struggling to find light after the darkness of cultic control.

    Lucia's website : https://luciamuirbooks.wordpress.com/counsellor/

    Lucia's Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093150242973

    Lucia's book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Let-Your-Light-Shine-Secrets/dp/B0C4ZXGP1Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XFRAXRLFM5GP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ird-5HtsL_FffyNarkiHABRYlaNjKmWZvUUqa4LpVOg.VU4yn5uQsHVoWWfEy8osvKw5hAUQTW4bWqnDgca4F3c&dib_tag=se&keywords=let+your+light+shine+lucia+muir&qid=1717867829&sprefix=let+you+light+shine+lucia%2Caps%2C302&sr=8-1

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Interview With Ex-Cult Member Anonymous Franklin
    Jun 16 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#18 : Growing Up in Another Cult with Franklin

    Originally aired on the Anonymous Andrew podcast in February 2024.

    Original Description:

    Ep#39: Series #6 - Franklin's Story

    In Series #6 of the TFU Pod-series, Franklin (anonymous name) comes forward to share his experience growing up in a cult that his parents belonged to. This is not an ex-member of TFU but another cult. However, he was triggered by the publicity of TFU and wants to share how much it impacts him today, many years later. Franklin shares his experience growing up in a cult and his thoughts and opinions on TFU.

    This is one of the books Franklin referred to

    Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds: All Volumes - Complete and Unabridged

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Paulette Buchanan's Journey Against Cult Leaders
    Jun 15 2024

    Ep#17 Summary: Paulette's Journey Against Cult Leaders

    In this compelling episode, we delve into the extraordinary story of Paulette, a resilient individual who has faced significant challenges due to her brother's involvement in an online cult. Her brother, struggling with mental illness, became a cult leader, leading Paulette to endure years of harassment, threats, and frivolous lawsuits.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. The Need for Licensing of Leaders:
      • Paulette advocates for the licensing of leaders in religious, self-help, and spiritual groups.
      • She discusses how cult leaders often misuse religion to evade accountability and taxes.
    2. Understanding Cults:
      • With a wealth of knowledge about cults and their leaders, Paulette provides insights into how these groups operate.
      • She emphasizes the importance of educating the public on the mechanisms of cults.
    3. Failures of Law Enforcement and Government Agencies:
      • Paulette critiques the inadequate response of law enforcement and government agencies in addressing the threats posed by cults.
      • She calls for increased responsibility and action from these institutions to protect society.
    4. Paulette's Resilience and Advocacy:
      • Despite her struggles, Paulette remains positive and continues her advocacy work.
      • She shares details about her book, offering a deeper look into her experiences and the strength she has found to keep moving forward.

    Join us in this episode as Paulette provides a profound and educational perspective on the dangers of cults.

    Paulette's Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-Justice-Religious-Illness-Collapse-ebook/dp/B09MXSKD4N

    Paulette's Book Website: https://fightingforjusticebook.com/

    Paulette's Website against abusive lawsuits: https://stopabusivelawsuits.com/

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Exploring Twin Flames Universe and NXIVM with Ellen
    Jun 9 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#16 : Exploring Twin Flames Universe and Nexium

    Originally aired on the Anonymous Andrew podcast in February 2024.

    Original Description:

    Ep#41: Taking a Break and Exploring New Avenues

    I have released 6 episodes (This will be number 7) on the Twin Flames Universe Cult. I am going to take a break from that as I wait for more guests and information to come in. This was an impromptu endeavor. I have some people working on getting more guests and information. If all that pans out I will do a Part 2. On today's episode, I may look into other cults; this is a work in progress. I am still working on healing myself and learning how to go back out into the dating world. I have many episodes to bring you. Stay tuned! 2024 is just getting started!

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    48 mins
  • The Cult Story Never Told Part 2 with Ari Sherwood
    Jun 8 2024

    Ep#15 (Part 2): Ari's Deeper Dive into Her Cult Experience

    In this follow-up episode, Ari returns to delve deeper into the intricacies of her experience with the shaman and doomsday cult. She provides an in-depth look at the leader, his past, and the bizarre teachings that held the group in thrall.

    The Leader's Manipulative Tactics Ari describes the leader's complex persona, from his claims of being a former member of a Satanic cult to his subsequent assertions of being Jesus. She reveals how he manipulated members by planting false memories, including supposed past lives and alien abductions.

    Control and Coercion Ari explains the coercive techniques the leader used to maintain control over her and others. His grandiose claims and persuasive tactics created an environment of fear and dependency. Ari’s detailed account sheds light on the psychological manipulation and abuse within the cult.

    Understanding the Cult Dynamics Through Ari's story, we gain a deeper understanding of how such a leader can exert immense control over his followers. Her narrative highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the signs of such manipulative and coercive behavior.

    Join us as Ari bravely shares more about her journey, offering invaluable insights into the workings of a cult and the enduring strength it takes to break free.

    Ari's Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/disallusioned_podcast?igsh=enBmYXF4bDBwNTNj

    Ari's Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/intrinsicagency/

    Ari's TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@disallusioned8?lang=en

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Twin Flames Universe Discussion with Alana MaKenzie
    Jun 2 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#14 : Dissecting the Twin Flames Universe Cult with Alana McKenzie

    Initially broadcasted on the Anonymous Andrew Podcast in February of 2024, this episode delves into the captivating realm of the Twin Flames Universe Cult with the esteemed Sovereign Dating Coach, Alana McKenzie. Renowned for her profound understanding of feminine energy dynamics, McKenzie and I embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the TFU cult. Together, we meticulously dissect the enigmatic concept of a "twin flame," interrogating its existence and relevance in contemporary discourse.

    Original Description:

    Ep#36: Exploring the Twin Flames Universe Cult with Alana McKenzie

    Sovereign Dating Coach Alana McKenzie joins me to discuss the Twin Flames Universe Cult. She is an expert on feminine energy. We go deep in discussion about the TFU cult. Alana and I discuss the concept of a "twin flame"—is there really such a thing?

    Alana's Information:

    website: https://www.sovereign-dating.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sovereigndating

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/sovereigndating/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLSDMJAIRm11j8FRP4-Nrsw

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-mckenzie-page-a3262073

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • The Worldwide Church of God -Interview With Ex-Member Cherie
    May 31 2024

    Episode #13: Cherie joins us to share her experience of being raised in the Worldwide Church of God (currently called Grace Communion International). This is an organization started by Herbert W. Armstrong in 1933. She shares her thoughts on being brainwashed and disfellowshipped. Cherie also gives insight into the after effects of leaving such a controlling group, including her struggles with anxiety and feelings of being lost. You will hear how Cherie chose to raise her own children in contrast to how she was raised. It is in this episode that we learn about Cherie's healing journey and the Facebook support group she created so that other survivors can find support and guidance.

    Cherie's Facebook support group Cult survivors from Worldwide church of God, and their offshoots


    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Growing Up in the Cross Independent Baptist Church with Kimalee
    May 27 2024

    Cultimatum Ep#12: Growing Up in the Cross Independent Baptist Church with Kimalee

    In this episode, Kimalee shares what it was like for her and her family growing up in the Cross Independent Baptist Church in a small town. The Reverend of the church taught that he had been placed in authority directly by God, and questioning him was equivalent to questioning God himself. Kimalee shares how she left, her path to healing, what she believes, and where she is today. Additionally, Kimalee discusses her book, based on her own experiences.

    If you would like to share your story of escaping a cult or human trafficking, please contact us below.

    Kimalee's Info:

    A direct link to Kimalee's book Under Authority: https://amzn.to/3KYm3oc

    Kimalee'swebsite: www.kimaleefinelli.com

    Facebook link : https://www.facebook.com/Kimalee.Finelli

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimaleefinelli/

    Cultimatum Contact Info:

    Email: cultimatumpodcast@gmail.com

    Cultimatum Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1910498486077283

    Cultimatum Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cultimatumpodcast?igsh=MXBnNXllYjBtc2hwcg==

    Cultimatum TikTok account : https://www.tiktok.com/@cultimatumpodcast?_t=8nLKfZ8ShnW&_r=1

    Cultimatum Pinterest account :https://pin.it/YdcAW0Oiq

    Cult Escape & Recovery Support Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575419069406501

    To contact the Anonymous Andrew Podcast Studios


    or visit


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    47 mins