Is there spirituality after deconstruction? Public theologian and “ecclesiastical disrupter” Dana Hicks shares the story of his exploration of the ways in which the post-deconstruction or post-Christian soul can find those “thin places”—areas in our lives where we can connect with the divine without dogma or fundamentalism—where practices such as meditation, service, and (perhaps) the occasional mushroom can dissolve the ego and help one remember one’s place as part of the larger creation. (And that creation also includes Mark's new puppy, who, if you listen closely, you may hear squeaking a tennis ball in the background.)
Dana Robert Hicks the Amazon best-selling author of The Quest for Thin Places: How to Find Spirituality after Deconstruction (SacraSage Press). His writings revolve around the themes of culture, change, and spirituality. For over 30 years, he served as a church planter, pastor, university professor, and leadership developer. He is the President of The Open Table Network - a progressive network that ordains faith leaders so they can be people of love within communities of love. He is also the Chief Operating Officer for Azura - a social services agency that exists to alleviate poverty in the State of Arizona.
Find your guides at Quoir Academy! If you’ve ever deconstructed your faith you know it’s not easy. But just imagine if you could have people to guide you through your process? People like, Jim Palmer, Kristin Du Mez, Jennifer Knapp, Brad Jersak, Brian Zahnd, Paul Young, and more? Well, if you head over to Quoir Academy and register for SQUARE 2 using the Promo Code [RAD] you’ll get 10% off the regular registration cost of this awesome course and community just for being a fan of our show. Follow this registration link: