योगीन्द्राणां त्वदङ्गेष्वधिकसुमधुरं मुक्तिभाजां निवासो भक्तानां कामवर्षद्युतरुकिसलयं नाथ ते पादमूलम् । नित्यं चित्तस्थितं मे पवनपुरपते कृष्ण कारुण्यसिन्धो हृत्वा निश्शेषतापान् प्रदिशतु परमानन्दसन्दोहलक्ष्मीम् ॥१०॥
योगीन्द्राणांfor the great yogisत्वत्-अङ्गेषु-among Thy body partsअधिक-सुमधुरंmost belovedमुक्तिभाजां निवास:for the liberated ones, (they) are the residenceभक्तानां काम-वर्ष-for the devotees, the desires pouringद्यु-तरु-किसलयंheavenly tree's sproutsनाथ ते पादमूलम्are, O Lord! Soles of Thy feetनित्यं चित्त-स्थितं मेmay they always rest in my mindपवनपुरपते कृष्णO Lord of Guruvaayur! O Krishna!करुणासिन्धोO Ocean of Compassion!हृत्वा निश्शेष-तापान्destroying all my sufferingsप्रदिशतु परम-आनन्द-confer (on me) Supreme Blissसन्दोह-लक्षमीम्in a flow of fullness (abundance)
O Lord! Among the parts of Thy body, the soles of Thy feet are the most beloved and coveted to the great yogis. The liberated ones reside there. They pour all the desires of their devotees, and are like the sprouts of the celestial tree. O Lord of Guruvaayur! O Lord Krishna! may those feet always rest in my heart. O Ocean of Compassion! destroy all my sorrows and confer a full abundant flow of Supreme Bliss.