
  • Poem: Morning Meditation
    Apr 27 2022

    This is a poem I wrote a couple of days ago in a matter of minutes. The focus is the relationship with God early in the morning. A time of waiting on God, listening for Him and spending time with Him. If you don’t start your morning with prayer and meditating on the Word of God, your missing out on something wonderful before the rest of your day starts.

    I invite you to subscribe to the podcast and tell your friends about it.  https://www.decreedfree.buzzsprout.com you can also find me on Instagram: @digitalpenz and on Tiktok: @digitalpenz

    Blessing and Enjoy!

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    3 mins
  • First Fruits Offering
    Apr 11 2022

    This episode is a teaching on First Fruits offering in the Bible looking at various Scripture in the Old Testament and the New Testament. This principle of First Fruit offering is different than the tithe. First Fruits is given of the first harvested crop. Whether your crop is a new book, a new business or your first check of the year, this can be what you give your First Fruits from.

    I trust this teaching will bless you and give you a better understanding and blessing regarding First Fruits. Feel free to contact me via email: barbarajcouch9@gmail.com

    You can also find more episodes here: https;//www.decreedfree.buzsprouts.com


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    22 mins
  • The Holy Spirit
    Apr 11 2022

    This episode is a brief teaching about the person of the Holy Spirit and some of His roles, names and symbols. I could probably teach on the Holy Spirt for a full year because there is so much that He does in the life of the believer.  The Bible calls Him our Helper, Standby, Guide, Counselor, Advocate and other names describing what He does.

    The Holy Spirit is the third person in the God head (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit). I hope this teaching will not only answer some of your questions but will also lead you to search out the Holy Spirit in the Bible to see all of what He does in the lives of believers in Christ.


    Email: barbarajcouch9@gmail.com

    Podcast: https://www.decreedfree.buzzsprout.com

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    24 mins
  • Jehovah Mephalti
    Apr 7 2022

    In this episode I talk about God our Deliverer- Jehovah Mephalti, first fruits offering, thanksgiving and praising God and the Hebrew calendar month of 1 Nisan 5782 which Passover, leavened bread and first fruits are commemorated( which began for on April 1,2022). This is a time to be expectant that God will reveal and show us things such as miracles. Has God delivered you from something or someone? Expect by Faith, a blessing of an abundant harvest when you bring your first fruits of your harvest to God. Scripture reference: Psalm 18:2

    To listen to more episodes go to https://www.decreedfree.buzzsprout.com


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    5 mins
  • Petitioning God in Prayer
    Mar 15 2022

    There is a way to petition God in prayer. It starts with entering His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4). Repenting of any sin and asking for forgiveness (1 John 1:9) and using Scripture to bring God into remembrance (Iasiah 43:26) of what He has already said and done.

    This teaching may mess with some of the things you were told or taught about prayer such as, " Just talk to God when you pray" or people using many dramatic words so that God will hear them. God will hear your prayer without you screaming at Him or being dramatic.  When we pray, we go before God in our secret place in the right way. We are petitioning the Creator of all things.

    I hope this episode will challenge you and your prayer life and that you will receive better understanding and learn practical applications regarding petitioning God through prayer.

    Please, feel free to email me with any questions or comments: barbara@decreedfree.com
    You can also check out my Instagram pages: https://www.instagram.com/digitalpenz 


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    20 mins
  • The Wisdom in Proverbs Three
    Dec 30 2021

    In this episode the Scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6. Wisdom is the theme in Proverbs 3. Specifically, when we trust and rely on God instead ourselves and acknowledge Him in all our ways there is a great benefit for us.  God will remove obstacles that may block our way but first we have to get out of our own way.

    I invite you to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to receive the new episodes when they are published. Share the episode with your family, friends and others. You can find all the podcast episodes here: https://decreedfree.buzzsprout.com

    If you desire to contact me for conversation or comments, you may email me at Barbara@decreedfree.com. I would love to hear from you and get your feedback about the podcast. 

    Instagram:  @digitalpenz (Kingdom creativity) and @decreedfree (Daily Bible Meditations, podcast soundbites and information).


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    28 mins
  • Poem: “Each Moment Realized”
    Dec 17 2021

    This episode features a poem I wrote recently called “Each Moment Realized” set to music. It’s a part of my NEW Creative Series on this podcast that I am officially starting NOW.

    Part of experiencing the freedom that we have in and through Christ Jesus is getting in touch with our creativity as Kingdom citizens.

    In this Creative Series  I will explore creativity in various forms such as poetry, music, texture, drawing/sketching and other forms of creativity which will encourage you to identify your own creativity or challenge you to allow your creative voice to impact the world in an intentional loving and powerful way from a Kingdom perspective.

    I invite you to share this episode with your family, friends and SUBSCRIBE to the podcast to receive new episodes as they are posted: “Decreed Free, the Creative Series”

    Feel free to contact me via email: barbara@decreedfree.com with your comments, suggestions and or requests for me to cover specific topics.

    To view art, poetry and other visual forms of creativity, please go to my Instagram: @digitalpenz

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    2 mins
  • Perilous People
    Dec 10 2021

    In this episode I am discussing what happens when people become more interested in worldly things and take on characteristics and behaviors that are not godly which shows their disconnect from God and His principles, commandment and percepts.

    The Bible, in the Epistle of 2 Timothy 3:1-7 we read about perilous people and times. Paul in his older age in this pastoral letter is speaking not only to Timothy to watch out for these types of people but I believe Paul is speaking to us today giving us an opportunity to search ourselves to evaluate where we are in terms of being in right alignment with God.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if there are topics you wish me to teach on in the future. If you have prayer requests, please send them to my email address: barbara@decreedfree.com. To listen to more Decreed Free Podcast episodes, you can go to decreedfree.buzzsprout.com.


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    36 mins