
  • Episode 73: Whoop! There it is! (Whooping Crane)
    Feb 19 2025

    Party people! Its time to learn about conservation! The Whooping crane very nearly went the way of the Pileated Woodpecker, Bachman's Warbler, and the Moa (all extinct birds covered before on this show!). While it is still very much endangered, it is a conservation success story. Learn all about the life history of the whooping crane, their evolutionary history (they were always very rare birds!) and how they came back from the brink of extinction. Dr. John explains it all, with lots of dumb jokes and bird puns included!
    Outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers, check them out where ever you get your music
    Bird sounds from Xeno-Canto.org
    Whoop 1 by J Frank Goodwin
    Whoop 2 by Sue Riffe

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    53 mins
  • Episode 72: Flockin' Robin (American Robin)
    Dec 29 2024

    The American Robin is ubiquitous in backyards all across North America. But how much do you know about its life history, evolution, and unique vocal range? In this listener suggested episode, Dr. John rock out with the robin and brings you all the cool facts about their omnivorous diet, cooperative breeding, and a couple giggles at their genus name...Turdus!
    Intro music by Ricky Pistone and outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers. Check them out wherever you get your music
    Bird sounds are from Xeno-Canto.org


    Intro Robin Song by Brian Cox


    Robin Song by Richard E. Webster


    Robin Song 2 by Paul Driver


    Fast Robin Song by Richard E. Webster


    Alarm calls, chucks:


    Alarm Call 1 by Ted Floyd


    Alarm Call 2 by Richard E. Webster


    Seet Alarm Call by Thomas Ryder Page

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Episode 71: Talk Turkey To Me: Dirty Bird Thanksgiving Special!
    Nov 16 2024

    This Turkey is served HOT! Dr. John sits on a log in the woods of Holly River State Park, WV as he talk about all the dirty details of Turkeys, wild and domestic. Learn some great facts to share around the thanksgiving table- and also how to disprove some of the common myths that your Uncle likes to say. Some of these facts may be too hot to handle- erect snoods, big skull caps, and gobbles- oh my! Learn about the domestication of turkeys, wild turkey evolution history, turkey breeding, and much more! Its everything you didn't want to know about Turkeys
    Also thanks to Cass for this week's bird watch!
    Intro music by Ricky Pistone and outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers
    Birds sounds are from xeno-canto.org


    Intro Gobble by Thomas Paine

    Intro Turkey Call by


    Gobble 1 by Paul Marvin


    Gobble 2 by


    Gobble 3 by


    Courtship Chump, Hum, sneeze by Ted Floyd


    Cackle Call by Paul Driver


    Cooing Contact call by Bruce Lagerquist


    Yelp Call by Bruce Lagerquist

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Episode 70: That's so Raven (Common Raven)
    Oct 14 2024

    Recorded in the only virgin spruce forest in the eastern US, this episode about Common Ravens is full of the ambience of Gaudineer Scenic Area in the Monongahela National Forest. As chickadees and kinglets chirp in the background, Dr. John tells you everything you need to know about the Common Raven. These birds a spookily intelligent and despite huge population crashes in the 1800s they are now extremely successful....sometimes to the detriment of endangered species! Learn about how the Raven really can quoth "nevermore" and the efforts to save the gopher tortoise from raven's ravenous beaks. Join Dirty Bird Podcast for another educational and fun episode!
    Intro music by Ricky Pistone and outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers
    All bird sounds are from xeno-canto.org
    Raven Opening Call by Lars Edenius


    “Qwork” call by Lars Edenius


    Ravens Talking by Markus Jacobs



    Alarm Call by Lars Edenius


    Contact Call by Joao Tomas


    Raven Speaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPhbXsxE7aY


    Raven Saying Goodmorning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQShKi1s2sY

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 69: Bat Bird: The nocturnal, cave-dwelling Oilbird
    Sep 27 2024

    Echolocation, extreme night vision, cave dwelling…you’d think this describes a bat species but no! The amazing Oilbird of South America not only has a unique name but also some incredible evolutionary adaptations that allow it to breed in the pitch dark of caves leaving only at night to stalk one of its favorite food…avocados! Put on your headlamp and join Dr. John as we spelunk in search of knowledge about the Oilbird. Learn everything you need to know about this odd but amazing bird species.


    Intro music by Ricky Pistone and Outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers, check them out wherever you get your music


    All bird sounds are from xeno-canto.org


    Demon Call 1 by Rosendo Manuel Fraga


    Contact calls by Martin Solowiej


    Guttural Calls by Mauricio Cuellar Ramirez (@Birding.travel)



    Squawking calls by Nick Athanas


    Clicking Calls Jacob Wijpkema


    Clicking Calls 2 by Niels Krabbe

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 68: Skit-Scatbird (Gray Catbird)
    Aug 7 2024

    The jazz musicians of the bird world, the Gray Catbird has both an impressive vocal repertoire and a unique ability to improvise. Join Dr. John in the summer woods of French Creek, West Virginia as he tells you everything you need to know about the Gray Catbird! While their vocalizations are the highlight, they also have some interesting breeding facts: especially their communal attitude towards other songbirds such as robins! Finally, their amazing evolutionary history is also explained in detail. Come learn about this bird right meow!
    Intro song by Ricky Pistone, Outro by the Sidewalk Slammers
    All bird calls are from Xeno-Canto.org

    Intro Meow by Matt Wistrand

    Catbird Song 1 by Matt Wistrand

    Catbird Imitation by Richard E. Webster

    Mockingbird song by Ron Overholtz

    Brown Thrasher song by Richard E. Webster

    Catbird Song 2 by Bobby Wilcox

    Cat Meow Call: Russ Wigh

    Alarm call by Richard E. Webster

    Jay like call by Manuel Grosselat

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 67: But I'm a Creeper, I'm a weirdo (Brown Creeper)
    Apr 26 2024

    Any radiohead fans out there? The Brown Creeper is often overlooked and underappreciated but it has a lot of cool bird facts to share! Parody songs aside, in this episode Dr. John tells you everything you need to know about a tiny bird of the deep coniferous woods of North and Central America. Learn all about their unique nesting behavior, their surprisingly large territory size (compensating for something?), and much more.
    Outro music by the Sidewalks Slammers: find them wherever you get your music
    All bird calls are from Xeno-Canto.org


    Intro song by Thomas G. Graves

    Brown Creeper song by Paul Marvin

    “trees beautiful trees” call by Ron Overholtz

    Brown Creeper High Pitched Call by Jarrod Swackhamer



    Karaoke version of “Creep” by Radiohead from Sing King on Youtube

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    46 mins
  • Episode 66: Waxwing On, Waxwing Off (Cedar Waxwing)
    Mar 21 2024

    These birds know how to party! Sporting flashy colors, cedar waxwings are always found in raucous groups gorging on food, chirping, and sometimes even getting drunk. Dr. John records outside in First Landing State Park while he tells you everything you need to know about Cedar Waxwings. Learn about how invasive species are changing their coloration, how they are able to survive on an almost exclusively fruit diet, and their perplexing evolutionary history. John read’s the scientific publications so you don’t have to and finds all the best facts to teach you about this fascinating bird species.


    Thanks to Diana for suggesting this episode!


    Intro music by Ricky Pistone and outro music by the Sidewalk Slammers. Check them out wherever you get your music!


    Bird Sounds from Xeno-Canto.org

    Opening Call by Jeffery Mann

    Bzee call by Ted Floyd

    Sighing whistle call by Bobby Wilcox

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    59 mins