A Live discussion with World Renowned Parapsychologist Dr. Barry E. Taff, who holds his doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering from UCLA, and is a world-renowned parapsychologist who worked out of UCLA’s former Parapsychology Laboratory from 1969 through 1978 as a research associate. During his 54 year career, Dr. Taff has investigated nearly 5,000 cases of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists and conducted extensive studies in telepathy and precognition, eventually developing the initial protocols and methodologies for what was later termed “remote viewing”. He also, was himself, investigated as a psychic subject, the results of which were published in Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, “A Laboratory Investigation of Telepathy: The Study of A Psychic”, Vol. 6, Nos. 1-12, April-December 1974-January-March, 1975. One of the cases Dr. Taff investigated in 1974 gained international fame as the book and motion picture, The ENTITY, starring Barbara Hershey and Ron Silver, released by Fox in 1983. https://www.BarryTaff.net Taken from the LiveParanormal/HistoryFM Show: Scanning The Frequencies that I co-host with Lisa Terio and David Serven that aired Monday, March 27th 2023.