- Skip Eller
- St. Aidan’s, Tulsa, Oklahoma: www.facebook.com/saintaidantulsa
- Manhattan Construction: https://manhattanconstructiongroup.com/manhattan-construction-company/
- Elizabeth Felicetti
- St. David’s, Richmond, Virginia: www.stdavidsrva.org/
- Author’s website: https://elizabethfelicetti.com
- Book: https://www.eerdmans.com/9780802882349/
- Mike Kugler
- Church of the Savior, Orange City, Iowa: www.facebook.com/groups/307503601622
- Northwestern College: https://nwciowa.edu
- Book: https://www.upress.state.ms.us/Books/I/Into-the-Jungle
- Rick Swanson
- St. John’s in the Mountains, Stowe, Vermont: https://stjohnsinthemountains.org
- Leyla King
- Blog: www.thankfulpriest.com
- Diocese of West Texas: www.dwtx.org
- Stacy Williams-Duncan
- Little Fork Episcopal Church, Rixeyville, Virginia: www.littleforkchurch.org
- Learning Forte: www.learningforte.com
Music: I Love to Tell the Story, Benjamin Grove, keyboard
Podcast produced by Polymnia