[CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE] In this episode of Fatsoma Meets, Cameron sits down Saint Raymond, real name Callum Burrows. Callum is an incredibly talented singer, songwriter and musician have toured across the country, accruing 500k+ monthly streams on Spotify and releasing high quality album after another. His latest album, 'We Forgot We Were Dreaming' is out now. They talk about how far his fans have travelled to see his show, writing a song in 30 minutes, murder podcasts and more. - Saint Raymond - https://www.instagram.com/callum_sr/ https://twitter.com/Callum_SR https://saintraymond.co.uk/ - Fatsoma - https://www.fatsoma.com https://www.facebook.com/fatsomacom/ https://www.instagram.com/fatsoma/ - Cameron Rawson (presenter) - https://www.instagram.com/cameronrawson/ https://twitter.com/CameronRawson