In the insightful podcast episode titled "OV Original Velvet," Pastor Christopher Johnson delves into his upbringing in Alabama, shedding light on the positive influences of his parents' co-parenting arrangement. He highlights the importance of community support in raising children, reflecting on the adage that "it takes a village." Drawing comparisons between the past and the present, Pastor Johnson addresses the decline in morality contributing to contemporary issues such as homelessness and crime in urban centers. The conversation also delves into topics such as traditional values and the role of spirituality in modern society. Pastor Johnson underscores the value of seeking divine guidance and blessings, emphasizing the wealth of the spirit. The episode takes a personal turn as Pastor Johnson shares a healing experience that underscores the potency of prayer. Tune in to gain insights into the interplay between personal history, community dynamics, and spirituality in shaping our lives. Pastor Johnson's candid reflections offer both thought-provoking perspectives and a powerful message of faith. Upbringing, Community, Spirituality with Pastor Christopher Johnson | OV Original Velvet