Join Justin as he chats with role-playing and video game designer Warren Spector about his vast personal library, heroic fantasy, Space Gamer Magazine, Ultima, the dawn of Deus Ex, and more!Warren Spector bio:Warren Evan Spector (born October 2, 1955) is an American role-playingand video gamedesigner, director, writer, producer and production designer. He is known for creating immersive simgames, which give players a wide variety of choices in how to progress. Consequences of those choices are then shown in the simulated game world in subsequent levels or missions. He is best known for the critically acclaimed video game Deus Ex that embodies the choice and consequence philosophy while combining elements of the first-person shooter, role-playing, and adventure gamegenres. In addition to Deus Ex, Spector is known for his work while employed by Looking Glass Studios, where he was involved in the creation of several acclaimed titles including Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld II, System Shock, and Thief: The Dark Project. He is employed by OtherSide Entertainment, where he was part of the development team for the stalled System Shock 3.”Monsters, Madness and Magic Official Website. Monsters, Madness and Magic on Linktree.Monsters, Madness and Magic on Instagram.Monsters, Madness and Magic on Facebook.Monsters, Madness and Magic on Twitter.Monsters, Madness and Magic on YouTube.