
  • Episode #427 – The Week in Review for Feb 22, 25
    Feb 22 2025

    On the heals of Robert F. Kennedy’s confirmation and the long over due vision for a healthy America becoming a real thing, sometimes we find ourselves experiencing the disease of an old world agenda. In these times it is important to take time out form our busy life and focus first and foremost on our health.

    So it is that this weeks episode is dedicated to Micheal taking time out to handle this cough he has had for way to many weeks.

    For this reason there is no show this week just a short message with gratitude and appreciation for your Love and support.

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    2 min
  • Remote Viewing Contactee Claims
    Feb 20 2025

    Tony Rodrigues was trained in operational remote viewing when he was involuntarily taken into a “20 and back” secret space program (SSP) in 1982 as punishment for a childhood infraction against the son of a local Illuminati member. Rodrigues was first taken to Inyokern, California, where he and other children were trained in remote viewing using trauma-based mind control to enhance their psionic abilities. A pioneer in remote viewing was involved in running the program, which he was told used cloned children in the illegal RV experiments.

    Today, Rodrigues is using the remote viewing skills he developed to investigate the testimonies of secret space program insiders and contactees, such as Elena Danaan, JP and Jean Charles Moyen. He has found through his remote viewing sessions, which continue to use a blind protocol, much that corroborates their testimonies. Rodrigues believes that individuals claiming to conduct remote viewing without a blind protocol are in fact using a form clairvoyance, which can be very unreliable.

    Tony Rodrigues website is:

    Website: https://www.tonyrodrigues.com/

    From March Rodrigues is organizing a conference in Sedona from March 29-30 featuring JP and other SSP insideers and contactees.


    “Tony10” is the Promo Code for Rise of the Guardians Conference

    Veronica’s website: spacemystic.com

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    1 h et 8 min
  • Life of a Female Ultra-Soldier
    Feb 17 2025

    Morgan Rae Johnson was recruited into a CIA-run Ultra soldier training program from age 5-16, where she was subjected to MK-Ultra mind control and had an alter personality created. As an Ultra soldier, Johnson was able to evade security protocols, skilled in deception techniques, and gather intelligence on any target she was assigned. She describes encounters with a 9ft tall Draco Reptilian, Gray ETs during an abduction, and also a 10 ft tall Mantid ET. At age 18, she joined the US Army and was soon after approached by a USAF officer who recruited her into a secret space program (SSP).

    Her SSP induction involved serving three days on the Moon where she signed necessary papers and was given new uniforms. She next served for four years at an officer training facility on Alpha Centauri run by extraterrestrials for the benefit of human soldiers serving in an ET-human alliance. Upon graduation, she served for distinct periods on Venus, Mars, and Saturn. She also recalls missions associated with travel through a Stargate.

    Johnson served in two successive “20 and back” tours reaching the rank of Major/Commander before returning to the time and location where her SSP service began. She has written a book, Manipulated Memories (2025), about her experiences and plans to write two more books that share her memories from her two 20 and back programs.

    Morgan Rae Johnson’s website is: https://www.morganraejohnsonauthor.com/

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    1 h et 11 min
  • UFO Disclosure is coming in the Trump Administration
    Feb 15 2025

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 15, 2025


    • Dilemma of a Star Trek Future and Challenge to Human Sovereignty
    • Powerful defense contractors are actively lobbying against UFO disclosure laws in Congress, fearing financial and legal consequences if forced to release UFO-related materials
    • New Evidence that Leaked Video of MH 370 Disappearing through a Portal is Genuine: Interview with Ashton Forbes
    • An interdisciplinary research study on UFOs has just been published on http://Arxiv.org Academics are increasingly paying attention.
    • Deep Underground Military Bases are being cleared by Earth Alliance: Interview with Gene Decode
    • Three senior Trump administration officials are well placed to find the truth about UFOs and ET life and disclose that to the President and general public
    • Egg-shaped UFOs were seen at Area 51 since the 1980s. Significantly engineers could not break into the captured craft.
    • Dave Rossi interviewed by Jesse Michels concerning his ET contact and and subsequent being fast tracked into sensitive aerospace programs.

    X Feed: https://x.com/michaelsalla

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    32 min
  • Deep Underground Military Bases are being cleared by Earth Alliance
    Feb 13 2025

    Gene Decode discusses the pioneering work of William Milton Cooper, former US Naval Intelligence briefing officer, in revealing the extent to which a secret government has been set up and operates out of DUMBs located throughout the US and worldwide. Decode reveals the extent to which human trafficking occurs either for Satanists who require living subjects for sacrificial rituals in DUMBs or for genetic experiments conducted by extraterrestrials as part of secret agreements.

    Decode also discusses how Draco Reptilians use battles with human supersoldiers as a rite of passage for their young warriors as depicted in the Predator movies. He next discusses ancient technologies found underneath Ukraine, which are a factor in NATO’s proxy war against Russia. Significantly, he added that such ancient technologies included a functional space ark.

    Gene Decode became interested in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in the 1990s while completing his service in the US Navy as a senior NCO with 20+ years of experience. He investigated claims by whistleblowers such as Phil Schneider and established a network of contacts in the intelligence community, covert operations, and US Special Forces. He learned of the locations and activities of DUMBs throughout the world, which he claims currently numbers as many as 500 in the US and 5000 worldwide.

    Gene Decode’s website is: https://www.genedecode.org/

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    1 h et 20 min
  • New Evidence that Leaked Video of MH 370 Disappearing through a Portal is Genuine
    Feb 10 2025

    Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China.

    Forbes claims that early conspiracy theories by the comedian Dick Gregory and others pointing to the Carlyle Group, the Rothschilds, and/or Blackstone wanting to kill the scientists so they could assert ownership of the superconducting microchip patent were misplaced. Forbes claims that the MH-370 operation was conducted by the US intelligence community that wanted to stop China gaining control of the superconducting microchip technology, which represented a breakthrough technology.

    Forbes discusses how MH370 was portalled to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean after disappearing en route to China. Dr. Michael Salla introduced the corroborating testimony of a secret space program participant, Mark Domizio, who claims that one of his alters, a cloned version of himself based at a DUMB facility at Diego Garcia, was tasked to kill a crew that disassembled MH-370’s tail and wing sections.

    Forbes next discusses the controversy raised by Kim Dotcom, who offered a $100,000 bounty to anyone who could prove the leaked MH370 video was a hoax. When a still photographer, Jonas De Ro, released images he had taken from an airplane of clouds allegedly used in the leaked video, Dotcom claimed that proof now existed that the video had been debunked and offered to pay the bounty. Forbes initially thought the video had been debunked and made a tweet to that effect, but later learned that Jonas’ released cloud formation images did not predate the leaked MH370 video.

    Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370.

    Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world.

    Ashton Forbes x/Twitter site is X.com/justxAshton

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    1 h et 38 min
  • Is Child Trafficking related to Psionic Abilities and Draco food supply?
    Feb 8 2025

    Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Feb 8, 2025


    • The relationship between psionics and UAP contact does bear a strong resemblance to the Siddhis practiced in Ancient India.
    • Whistleblower Testimonies Rock UFO World - Exopolitics Monthly Live Briefing
    • Draconian ETs only eat live humans and have a preference for children, thousands of which go missing each year to feed the Dracos.
    • Dr Eric Davis gives a nuanced breakdown on history and operations of Majestic 12 Group.
    • No NASA mission to Mars involving robotic rovers and landers, with the exception of the 1976 Viking mission, investigated possible artificial structures or life on Mars.
    • US military has Antigravity Spacecraft with an Organic Consciousness that pairs with Pilots - JP Update 42
    • Video of my recent interview by Emilio Ortiz: Antarctica’s Hidden Alien Bases?
    • Official launch of Galactic Encounters 3 being held on August 2&3 and 5&6 in two separate and identical sessions at a lovely French resort in Valsoyo.
    • Article on what's coming in the Healthcare industry as suppressed healing technologies used in secret space programs are released to the general public.
    • UAP investigations are a bipartisan issue in the US Congress/FBI, but FBI agents participated in the J6 witchhunts, which was definitely a highly partisan endeavor.
    • Two Galactic Spiritual Informers Connection Conferences this year discussing ET contact. One in Eastbourne UK (May 10-11) and the second in Charlotte, NC (Sept 19-21).
    • In a new interview, JP discussed intergenerational element in his ET contacts, childhood experiences, and how the MIB knew he was contacted by ETs, and tried to debrief him upon his return from Brazil in 2008.
    • Humanity’s Future Regarding ET Disclosure, AI, and a Micronova Event: Interview with Miriam Delicado
    • Dr Steven Greer is 100% certain that Luis Elizondo is a paid disinformation agent.
    • Steven Greer's intel on both the JFK and RFK assassinations is accurate. Both were killed due to their pro-disclosure positions on the UFO issue.
    • Why did USAID and partner NGOs use up to 800 million of US funds to kidnap almost 200,000 children from Guatemala in secret human trafficking into the US?
    • Announcement:Dilemma of a Star Trek Future and Challenge to Human Sovereignty

    X Feed: https://x.com/michaelsalla

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    41 min
  • Humanity’s Future Regarding ET Disclosure
    Feb 6 2025

    In 1988, Miriam Delicado had a contact experience with Tall Blonde extraterrestrials who told her they were involved in the creation of humanity and rescuing large numbers of humans at the end of different historical ages. She said the Tall Blondes intervened in huge spacecraft (aka space arks), to take large numbers of humans off the surface to the safety of outer space, the bottom of oceans, or Inner Earth, to wait out the cataclysmic surface events.

    After her profound contact experience, Delicado was approached by Men in Black and other organizations who wanted to recruit her to different official government programs so they could better understand alien technologies. She said that the contact enhanced her psychic abilities, and she was invited by a secret Russian organization to join a psychic community, where she would be trained and be among “her kind”.

    In this interview, Delicado discusses recent developments concerning UFO sightings involving NHI craft, how mystery drones are being used to distract the public, the Trump Administration’s likelihood to promote ET disclosure, the use of Psionics to summon and shoot down ET spacecraft, new whistleblowers promoting a limited hangout, and the Stargate AI Project. Finally, she believes that in mid-2025, a global event will occur that will forever change life on the planet, this will be followed by ET disclosure, and that a Micronova event is still a distinct possibility that will happen later in humanity’s future.

    Miriam Delicado’s website is: https://bluestarprophecy.com/

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    1 h et 27 min