Welcome back! On today's episode, Natalie and Camille will be discussing the film To the Bone starring Lily Collins, a young woman struggling with Anorexia Nervosa. Our conversations range from general facts about eating disorders, some of the diagnoses found within the DSM, levels of care within eating disorder treatment, statistics on who it affects, as well as the concerns about how that data is obtained. We chose to release this during the holiday season because it is such a difficult time for those with ED and their families, and it's a reminder to be cognizant of your language surrounding others bodies and food choices during this time (and always!). This time of year holds a high risk of relapse for those with ED, so we've listed various articles on how to support your loved ones, as well as resources if you are struggling and need support below.
This episode is reviewing a movie that can be incredibly triggering to those living with eating disorders as it portrays images of the protagonist without clothing and engaging in various ED behaviors. You don't have to watch the film to listen and learn, but also please honor where you are at if this feels like it will be too triggering for you to hear (eating disorder or not).
Today is our last episode of 2023 before we take a short winter hiatus. We'll be returning in the new year to finish off the last 4 episodes of Season 2. Thanks for making it this far with us, we'll see you in the new year!
Spill the Tea article:
"The Villainization of Eating Disorder in Pop Culture" by Ellen Ricks, published on Women's Media Center website in 2018
Resources for those struggling and their loved ones:
National Eating Disorder Alliance (NEDA)
Eating Disorder Hope (has help line to support in finding treatment): https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/
Accounts to follow to aid in recovery: https://centerfordiscovery.com/blog/top-8-eating-disorder-instagram-accounts-to-support-your-recovery/
Want to stay up to date on future episodes and get behind the scenes content? Follow us on Instagram @thirsty_for_therapy and on TikTok @thirsty4therapy and DM us if you have feedback, content suggestions, or would like to be a guest on the show!
Intro and Outro music by chillmore from Pixabay