Somewhere along the way, we may have picked up the idea that to be a mature Christian means that we must be stoically serious all the time. Even if we don't believe that this is true, it might be the impression we give when we are discipling our kids if we forget to help them see that even our fun together is a part of our worship to God! Mature Christianity comes with a smile. As we've seen and will continue to see on today's podcast, the Bible teaches us that mature Christians enjoy life, they rejoice, and they are wonderfully happy in Jesus. In fact, Christians should be the happiest people on earth. We Christians take life seriously, but our deepest reality is joy. In fact, our ability to enjoy life and our happiness in Christ is a big part of our worship of God. We're going to deep dive into all of this together today on the podcast as we continue in our series on the importance of having fun together as a family.