What are NK cells, how do they function and how can we utilize them as a cellular therapy? In this episode we are joined by Dr Arnika K. Wagner and Dr Evren Alici, both from Center for Hematology and Regenerative Medicine at Karolinska Institutet, and Dr Sigrid Skånland from Institute for Cancer Research at Olso University Hospital for a chat about these exciting cells and how their anti-cancer effects are explored and can be used in the future.
In this episode we discuss the following articles:
- Arnika K. Wagner et al, PD-1 expression on mouse intratumoral NK cells and its effects on NK cell phenotype, iScience, 2022
- Sigrid S Skånland et al, Functional testing of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia guides precision medicine and maps response and resistance mechanisms. An index case, Haematologica, 2022.
- Hareth Nahi et al, Autologous NK cells as consolidation therapy following stem cell transplantation in multiple myeloma, Cell Reports Medicine, 2022.
- Arnika K. Wagner et al, Characterization of human natural killer cells for therapeutic use, Cytotherapy, 2019.
- Katharina H. Susek, Generation of NK cells with chimeric-switch receptors to overcome PD1-mediated inhibition in cancer immunotherapy, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2023.
You can follow Dr Sigrid S Skånland at @SigridSkanland and Dr Evren Alici at @ealici on Twitter.