Ladies and gentle-dudes! Welcome to another installment of JUST THE CLIPS! It is what it sounds like...a collection of outtakes, behind the scenes, and hilarious moments between JP and Rocketts. You may even hear the inception of a few bits from our past, present, and even future. Sit back, strap in, and ENJOY! There's another full regular episode of JTT coming... Don't forget to head over to JTT COMEDY PODCAST on YouTube and follow along using our curated Song/Watchalong Lists for this episode and all previous 'sodes. And as always... listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip