“Hello everyone, and welcome back to Basically Gen Z!”
Wow, haven’t heard that for a long time. Today, Kaytie and Ellie revisit their earlier podcasts, think out loud about future plans, and go on multiple tangents spanning K-pop and economics. Did you know that Chanel bags are veblen goods?
0:00 Hello again!
2:00 Story around our very first podcast + beginner mistakes we made
3:20 K-pop Big Bang tangent
4:46 Re-introduction (no doxxing allowed on this channel!)
5:30 SharSharBinks88 and “veblen goods” tangent
7:42 How did we meet?
8:40 Conception of our channel
11:07 Re-invention+future
11:58 Vlogbrothers tangent
12:00 Wrap up