JTT NATION! We're baaaaack. Bigger then ever...JP and Rocketts have stayed well fed during their absence. Welcome to the party pals. The boys hit a "grand slam" with this 'sode. It has everything. All the dick jokes, all the fart sounds, and a full on discussion/lesson on why the pungent smell of ammonia is wafting up our nostrils in the spring. There's even another tasty treat straight from the LC2084 universe. The dudes of JTT still got it! Sit back, Strap In, and enjoy the boys(JP & Rocketts, not boys). Listen, like, add, follow, share, and finger us at JUST THE TIP/JTT COMEDY PODCAST on all major platforms. S.I.S.P.A.C.!! #droppinsodes #jttcomedypodcast #jtt #justthetip