Full disclosure: Storybook Ending's Keeper of Stories is my spouse, Loxley Blaine! I wouldn't recommend the show if I didn't truly think people would like it, though. That said, if you want to skip this episode, I understand. Rest assured that this is an anomaly, and won't happen often (or possibly ever again).
Today I talk about Storybook Ending. It's a fun as hell actual play podcast (which I don't usually cover, but it's really good). It's about stories coming to life in a small town where four humans are granted word-based magic.
For some insight into the podcast, I have Storybook Ending's own Killian Day with me to talk about the show! Killian plays Tabs, so if you're a fan of Storybook, tune in for some Tabs Talk! The Keeper Loxley also pops in for a bit to build some spells with us using Spell the RPG's system.
(Forgive the dogs barking in the background once or twice in the latter half of the ep, we had a busy day.)