Highlights from Today’s show:
- Dr. Arora’s PMS story
- What is it? What’s a normal menstrual cycle?
- Is Pain a normal part of a woman’s cycle?
- How toxin recirculation plays into symptoms- love your liver!
- Estrogen and progesterone and how they balance each other
- Tricks for getting to sleep
- The importance of daily pooping
- Environmental endocrine disruptors
- How the birth control pill can affect you
- Infrared sauna benefits
- Herbs, foods, and supplements to help with detox and PMS
- Links mentioned in the show:
- www.EWG.org
- Beyond The Pill by Jolene Brighton
- The Hormone Cure by Dr. Sara Gottfried
- PMS Symptoms and Causes by Dr. Sarika Arora
- AumHealingCenter
Be sure to tune in to this Episode to learn more!
Hear it is,
Dr. H