During the pandemic, Julio "Jules" Gutierrez got inspired to make his own cocktails, like many of us did. His twist? He decided to create cocktails with the intention of teaching others about indigenous spirits, cultures, and music. The resulting pop up, Chuntikis, has taken him all over the United States as well as Mexico as he left behind a stint as a radio DJ in favor of touring with his drinks. This 2023 Imbibe "Person to Watch" educates his audience with thoughtful cocktails created through a tropical lense, which has taken him to interesting places, including a Savage Fenty photo shoot (he was the model). Check out the music that inspired both his cocktails and the pop up here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/02FCgB94cQsmzWOxxHpUaM?si=Gb_eeioOTfChej8HXImvEA