To be fair, we should give thanks to this precious planet Earth every day. But today, April 22nd, in the year 2020, we mark the 50th Anniversary of our global Earth Day celebrations. It’s 2:22 in the afternoon and there’s something about all those 2’s that I’m tickled by. 4/22/2020 at 2:22pm. That seems potent, or just fun to look at anyway. And, this is Episode number 2 so there’s that, too…
The episode is 22 minutes recognizing Earth Day and reflecting on where we are today. It also explores the place we find ourselves as we look to the next 50 years and wonder if we can find our way to the envisioned Ecotopia imagined on Earth Day in 2070.
I touch on the pandemics role in this years Earth Day as well. Enjoy...