Go on, take a seat. The fire is warm, the popcorn is popped, the air is thick with the stink of french onion dip and unshowered nerds. That's right: it's game night tonight and there's no night like it! Break out the cards and roll for some bards, cause we're getting into physical games tonight! HUZZAH!This week we bring to the literal table the solo journaling vampiric entropy simulator Thousand Year Old Vampire https://timhutchings.itch.io/tyov and the playlist building, reflective radio hosting VOID 1680 AM https://bannerlessgames.itch.io/void-1680-am. Sit these games down for a spell!Here is a short playlist I made while playing VOID 1680 AM https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7n6E02erQ9NvOYOigDnocm?si=ed23738190f840c4Our theme music is Busy, Busy by Twinkle Park https://twinklepark.bandcamp.com/