A continuation of the exploration of Larp from Jim and Freyja's perspective as newbies to the hobby.
Information about the Larp we attended can be found here:
And some other Larp based podcasts if this has only wet your whistle:
The Larp Noobs - https://open.spotify.com/show/2aZOOHzq7JGs7TOxSQXhdQ?si=b9c1ce4bb9674be6
2 Have & 2 Role - https://open.spotify.com/show/01FnKJCvj9R9zIuhN6LIvs?si=46e3e2ac1dab4a99
Larps and Tarps - https://open.spotify.com/show/7MSwC79TytMxEWlM7hgFuO?si=608ff7823c2e417b