Welcome back you lucky listeners, it’s episode 23 of the “Not Your Common Conversation Podcast" featuring Chris Downing and Omar Henderson. Today we kick it old school with a refreshing conversation between our 2 incredible hosts. We start by discussing health and wellness, which prompts a dialogue about mortality and living in the present moment. From there the guys give you a history lesson on “Joaning” (a slang term that means to put down, or make fun of someone, often with humor.) and how growing up under harsh criticisms can either make or break you in your adult years. Great to get back to basics, get ready for another awesome episode! Not Your Common Conversation is a Bi-Weekly podcast hosted by Chris Downing & Omar Henderson, where we talk about everything inside and outside of our heads. Visuals of the NYCC Podcast now available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/@NYCCPod (https://www.youtube.com/@NYCCPod)