It's been a fun week in the house and at wrk so this episode, we thought we would talk about our Pet Peeves!
But first, we kick off the show with some exciting news, Our wine is done, and it's at home with us now, just resting. We're waiting a few more weeks for some additional maturity and then we'll be doing some sampling!
We give our wine tip of the week, brough to you by Wine Tasting Strathroy and you'll want to listen to this to find out all of the myths about making your own wine being debunked!
We then get into our drink of the week - Tammy suggested we try this drink, it's not wine this week, it's a great summer drink you need to try!
We end our show with what grinds our gearsm with what really gets a knot in our rope and what makes our punch sour. We talk about some pet peeves but would love to hear about some of yours!
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