In this explosive 27th installment of “Not Your Common Conversation Podcast" featuring Chris Downing and Omar Henderson, we invite special guest and republican correspondent at this point, Phil Larson back to talk the state of affairs in America post election, an election where Donald Trump was able to claim victory over opponent Vice President Kamala Harris in dominating fashion, as well as the house and senate elections following the same trend. This leads to an amazing dialogue between the guys, that touches on a myriad of different topics. Afterwards we have a discussion on truly being of service and wanting to improve so you are more efficient and equipped to build and really curate your reality. Needless to say, You’ll need a toolbox. Enjoy! Not Your Common Conversation is a Bi-Weekly podcast hosted by Chris Downing & Omar Henderson, where we talk about everything inside and outside of our heads. Visuals of the NYCC Podcast now available to watch: