In this solo episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I announce the opening of the Flex Diet Certification and highlight its key features and benefits. I explain the difference between the Flex Diet Cert, which focuses on nutrition and recovery, and the Physiologic Flexibility Cert, which deals with advanced resilience and recovery strategies.
Emphasizing a habit-based approach, I cover core topics such as metabolic flexibility, macronutrient usage, and improved body composition. Additionally, I discuss the bonus items available for early enrollees and my certifications' overall expansion model aimed at long-term health and performance success.
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Episode Chapters:
- 02:25 Understanding the Flex Diet and Physiologic Flexibility Certifications
- 04:15 The Framework and Philosophy Behind Flex Diet
- 08:02 The Expansion Model and Its Benefits
- 18:55 Expert Interviews and Additional Resources
- 20:07 Closing Remarks and Legal Disclaimer
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