Did you know that your network is your greatest job search asset? Because, all things being equal, people will hire and refer those people that they Know Like and Trust!
In Episode 41 I interview Bob Burg, Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker & Bestselling author Endless Referrals and the Go-Giver Series.
Bob Burg is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to even a former U.S. President.
Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, marketing and influence, with total book sales of well over a million copies.
Through his dynamic Endless Referrals system, Ultimate Influence and Go-Giver principles, Bob teaches business professionals how to leverage their network of everyday contacts into a never ending stream of new prospects.
Using his highly effective relationship cultivation process, new sales are converted into lifelong customers and “Personal Walking Ambassadors” that multiply the volume of referred prospects – exponentially!
In the interview we talk about the power of your network and how networking is your best way to your next career move.