This brilliant comedy brought to us by Julio Torres, Ana Fabrega, and Fred Amisen, weaves telenovela tropes into the fabric of modern television. Los Espookys is the story of four friends who turn their love of spooky shit into a not-super-profitable business. Follow this hilarious cast as they unravel family secrets, deal with heartache, and learn about the power of friendship, all while faking exorcisms, committing fraud, and hiding candy in carrots. Check out the podcast, and then check out the full show episodes! It's a treat!
Gloria De Leon (IG: gloriatheactress)
Guest: Jake Arky (IG: thejarky)
So Say We All (IG: sosayweallonline)
Noveleando theme song written, performed, and produced by: Shireen Amini
Sound Mixing provided by: Clear Night Studio (IG: clearnightstudio)
Find us on Instagram @NoveleandoPodcast
Contact: If you would like to contact us, please email us at