Wokie and Egg White talk about the Jerry Sadowitz incident in Edinburgh Fringe 2022 that was the talk of the town. Does this mean comedy is going backwards and does the word ‘Fringe’ need to be removed from the Edinburgh Fringe as it looks to be going towards safe comedy and moving far away from its roots. We chat it out so lend us your ears.
In the 90’s Mark Thomas, in his TV Show Comedy product, drove a tank through McDonalds. That right. To give context he was the 90’s equivalent of John Oliver where he took a controversial subject usually about big businesses and broke it down comedically. Not taking anything away from John Oliver who is studio bound MAREK DROVE A COOL TANK TO GET A HAPPY MEAL! Watch the clip here.
We all know what happened to Jerry Sadowitz at the Edinburgh Fringe so read this poncy article by a Guardian journalist and feel intelligent for 5 minutes.
We all know Mark Thomas has a particular hatred for Boris Johnson so watch him eviscerate him here