This episode continues a lengthy series reviewing a key historical section of the founding of conservative Christian media from Dr. Bennett's last book, "Two Masters and Two Gospels, Vol. 1: The Teaching of Jesus Vs. the "Leaven of the Pharisees" in Talk Radio and Cable News," of which more about it and its availability can be found here. This episode delves deeper into the occult spiritual pursuits of Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson, the eventual disciple (and LSD psychonaut) under Gerald Heard, including his regular Ouija board and seance sessions, and communication with spirits, such as those who dictated the Twelve Steps to Wilson, according to him and his primary biographers. The "Contemporary Intelligence Briefing Case File" focuses on the implication of Utah State Attorney General Sean Reyes, a close friend and associate of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad (an co-producer of their film, "Sound of Freedom"), in the litigation of the women suing the latter parties, and allegations of his interference in their testimony and court activities, and the accusations concerning the Mormon church in assisting Ballard, and the "final solution" removal from consideration of the implicated second in command official of the Church. This episode was originally broadcast on WRFN on Dec. 28, 2023. (c) Joseph Michael Bennett 2023