Content warning; todays podcast covers murder, assassinations, terrorism and head scratching moments.
Join us today as were explore conspiracy theories in relation to MH17, JFK assassination, the Clinton Body Count and the Apollo 11 Moon landing
What is the truth, we look into these conspiracies, did Russia really shoot down MH17, is there a single magic bullet that killed JFK and wounded Governor Connelly and was Lee Harvey Oswald really behind it, do the Clintons dispose of anyone that gets in their way or threatens to expose them, and did Neil Armstrong really walk on the moon and what does Australia have to do with it?
Explore these theories with me, what do you believe?
Face sheet JFK link:
Autopsy report link:
Autopsy photographs JFK:
#conspiracytheories #JFK #JFKassassinationconspiracy #assassination #leeharveyoswald #moonlandingconspiracy #neilarmstrong #apollo11conspiracy #clintonbodycountconspiracy