On this episode we delve into some of the common coaching questions that have cropped up with Paul's group of athletes. We explore whether running up or down hill in training matters, should everyone do hill repeats, what about shoes and how to pick them, how close to paces to runs need to be and more...we hope you enjoy and if you have any questions, let us know!
As always also go through our week of running and cover some recent race results, shout outs to listeners and some future topic suggestions. If you have any results you want us to cover or topics for future episodes, get in touch, or if you are interested in being coached by Paul (email Paul with 'podcast offer' to get a 10% coaching discount), please email us or connect on any social media. We will back every Monday with a new episode and here is how you can connect with us to help build the running partners community;
email us at runningpartners@outlook.com
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