Welcome back to our podcast series on ESG and its importance to sustainability. I am your host Therese Baptiste, international ESG consultant focused on the S of ESG.
In today's episode, we'll be discussing social risk management and how companies can mitigate reputational and operational risks.
Social risks can arise from a wide range of social and environmental issues, such as human rights violations, environmental disasters, and labor disputes. These risks can have serious consequences for companies, including reputational damage, legal liability, and operational disruptions.
#socialriskmanagement #esg #sustainability #reputationalrisk #operationalrisk #riskmanagment #legalliability #humanrights #communitybacklash #labordisputes #supplychain #disruptions #violations
As a former UN ambassador, as well as a former Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization, coupled with her experience as a seasoned academic on sustainability and its inherent digital transformation needs, she helps her clients create a message out of what seemed like a mess.
She recently released an ebook on ESG which can be found here Empowering Social Growth
She currently serves as an Advisory Board member in both
as well as she is a Country Chair of the G100 Business Networking Wing; for BELGIUM
Visit ThereseBaptiste.com or Follow ThereseBaptiste.com on 1Linked in for more details