What happens when two leaders get shipwrecked together? Find out in this episode of Desert Island Reflections, where we talk to Nat Moore and Jess MacIntyre of Mac + Moore about disco dancing with Tom Hanks, how the cost of childcare impacts everyone and four little words to tell your business partner when they’re freaking out.
Mac + Moore:
Website - https://www.macandmoore.com/
Jess LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessmacintyre/
Nat LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalie-moores-23499557/
Jess & Nat’s Resources:
App #1 - Wordle/Quordle
App #2 - Jess’ son’s nursery app
Resource #1 - LinkedIn
Book #2 - Mary Oliver’s poetry
Book #3 - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Thanks for listening!