Welcome to Jaws is Shite and Other Regrettable Outbursts.
Join Duncan, Baz, Scott & Liam for drinks and bants discussing some of the weirder news stories of the week on this not quite monthly podcast.
We ran out of cool stories…but then booked a recording without any plan…must be the return of Jaws is Shite.
Baz wants to reform his high school band, Liam owns almost all the tickets to the UK NIN tour, Duncan updates the lads on the war against method acting and Scott really needs to know if we want to eat human!!
Fatherhood stories, self importance, the secret history of the Masons and bottle of spunk guy stories all return for your entertainment...oh yeah and Salt Bae...ama right??
We have NO listener stories to share with you.
You can submit your regrettable stories to regrettablepod@gmail.com.
It’s all kicking off so make sure you pour yourself a stiff one and settle down to be entertained as the lads talk nonsense for your entertainment.
Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/regrettablepod
Check out Scott & Liam vs Evil: https://www.scottandliamvsevil.com
Check out The Podcast Under the Stairs: https://tputscast.com/podcast