Have you ever been in a place where you asked yourself or said to yourself – Who Am I? Or I don’t even know who I am? Especially in seasons of change, when your children go to college, when you’ve experienced great loss like a death, divorce, or death of a friendship. Or how about if you’ve changed career paths by choice or by force? So many labels tend to make up our identity that we begin to believe what we do, what roles we play are who we are. Those are just descriptors, evidence of who we are, but they are not the essence of who we are.
Additional Resources:
Affirmations of who you in in Christ: https://finds.life.church/pastor-craig-groeschels-list-of-positive-affirmations-to-renew-your-mind/#:~:text=It's%20who%20I%20am.,every%20day%20of%20my%20life.