
  • Y Cawr Olaf
    Jan 29 2025

    Ar ben mynydd anghyfanedd, ynghanol Prydain yr oesoedd Tywyllwch, mae’r brenin Clydog ap Arthwys yn gwynebu Aelor Gawr, cawr olaf y wlad. Mae Clydog yn angen mynyddoedd Aelor i amddiffyn yn erbyn y llu Sacsonaidd sy’n tresmasu.

    Ond ni fydd Aelor yn barod i ymadael ei gartref môr rhwydd a hyny, ac felly yn gorfodi Clydog i ddewis rhwng ei anrhydedd a’i deyrnas.

    Aelor Gawr gan Mark Lewis Jones

    Brenin Clydog gan Glyn Pritchard

    Lladarn gan Geraint Rhys

    Cafodd ei ysgrifennu a'i gyfarwyddo gan George Pritchard

    Gyda dyluniad sain gan Cai Gwilym Pritchard

    Cyfieithiad gan Ioan Gwyn

    Cherddoriaeth a meistroli gan Ollie McAuley

    Oedd Y Cawr Olaf Cynhyrchiad gan Backchat Productions

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    11 mins
  • The Last Giant
    Jan 29 2025

    Atop a desolate mountain, in the midst of Dark Age Britain, King Clydog ap Arthwys confronts Aelor Gawr, the last giant of the land. Clydog seeks Aelor’s mountain range to help defend against the encroaching Saxon hordes. However Aelor will not part with his home so readily, and Clydog is forced to choose between his honour and his kingdom.

    Aelor Gawr - Mark Lewis Jones

    King Clydog - Glyn Pritchard

    Lladarn - Geraint Rhys

    Written and directed by George Pritchard.

    Sound design by Cai Gwilym Pritchard

    Music and mastering by Ollie McAuley.

    The Last Giant was a Backchat Production.

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    10 mins
  • A Person Made This: Alternative listening practices and their application to modern Audio Drama
    Mar 29 2024


    By looking into alternative listening practices within the context of Modern Scripted

    Audio Drama, both as a medium as well as a contemporary sonic culture, this Audio

    paper will attempt to analyse the material qualities of Audio Drama and theorise ways

    that these practises may be applied. As well as give insight into how the culture of Audio

    Drama can be steered in a more open, accessible, experimental and radical direction.

    There is not much of a crossover between sound arts and Audio Drama. By making

    these analyses and interpretations, This audio paper will attempt to bridge that gap, and

    provide some practical directions and ideas.

    Much of the research was done through analysis of relevant sources and interviews with

    several figures who work within Audio Drama who each provide a different perspective

    on the medium.

    The ultimate conclusion is an encouragement to the Audio Drama community, both

    listeners and producers, to learn to love and intentionally use “bad” audio and to seek

    out productions made by newer creators. The hope being that more marginalised voices

    will use audio drama to create politically radical productions and audio drama as a

    whole will begin to be made in more experimental ways.

    This Audio Paper Included audio from interviews with:

    Lee Tomaneli

    Marisa Ewing

    Amber Devereux

    Ella Watts

    Quotes read by:

    Gregory Carrobis

    Avalon Willowbloom

    Joe Cruz


    Brandon Labelle, Bulut , Z., Chattopadhyay, B., Kanngieser, A., Frahm , O., Vrhovec Sambolec,

    T.G., Stjerna, Å. and Raimondo, A. (2016). Dirty Ear Report #1. sound, multiplicity, and radical


    Brooks, A. (2015). 'Glitch/Failure: Constructing a Queer Politics of Listening', Leonardo Music

    Journal (2015), 25, pp. 37-40. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1162/LMJ_a_00932.

    Chion, M. 2019. Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia

    University Press.

    Heptonstall, G. (1988). NEW DIRECTIONS FOR RADIO DRAMA. RSA Journal, 136,


    Jackson, D. (2020). Earwitnessing the Queer Acoustics of Public Space: Law, Sex and Nature

    in Ultra-red’s Second Nature. Law Text Culture, [online] 24, pp.328–363. Available at:


    Ultra-Red. (2011). Five Protocols for Organised Listening. Available at:

    http://www.ultrared.org/uploads/2012-Five_Protocols.pdf [Accessed: 6 November 2023].

    Ultrared.org. (2024). Ultra-red: Mission Statement. [online] Available at:

    http://www.ultrared.org/mission.html [Accessed 24 Jan. 2024].

    Watts, E. (2018). Drama Podcasts An overview of the US and UK drama podcast market.

    [online] Available at:


    Watts, E. (2018). Audio Drama and the Art of the Invisible Wall. [online] IPM. Available at:

    https://www.internationalpodcastmonth.com/blog/the-art-of-the-invisible-wall [Accessed 6 Nov.


    Watts, E. (2020). The Gays Destroy Capitalism in Space: the Radical Imagination of Audio

    Fiction. [online] IPM. Available...

    Show more Show less
    43 mins
  • Feeling Brave Tonight?
    May 31 2023

    CW: Controlling behavior and Violence

    For the intended experience, please listen with headphones.

    This audio contains an example of gameplay for the game BrutalStar, and an additional section of instruction for running the game as a Star Monarch. Step off of your Star Treader and quest to defeat the wicked Galaxitron, in an adventure that YOU CAN REALLY PARTICIPATE IN!

    Written and Performed by Greg Carrobis. Edited and sound designed by Greg Carrobis with Creative Commons 0 sounds from Freesound.org. Music by Jolene Cotnoir.

    Greg's podcast, Ghosts on a Train- https://www.faustiannonsense.com/ghosts-on-a-train

    Jolene's podcast, PSST: Paranatural Support Services Team- https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psstcast6

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    13 mins
  • M@beth
    Jan 11 2023

    (Submitted by Megan Gwen Davies)

    CW: Tories, homophobic language, sexism, brief references to cultural events and tragedies, reference to racism and xenophobia, British politics, reference of suicide, propaganda, brief reference to police brutality, reference to real political figures

    M@beth is a radio play written by Megan Gwen Davies during her Masters degree while lamenting about the state of British politics. Taking inspiration from The Thick of It and Accidental Death of an Anarchist, they produced this piece of work that Faustian Nonsense kindly offered to put into the world. It was produced in her tiny flat during lockdown with minimal access to things like actors, so they're very grateful to the friends and family she dragged into it.


    Knitter One - Liza Holmes

    Knitter Two - Cait Gallagher

    Knitter Three - Nicole Wainwright

    ACTOR ONE (Macbeth, Malcolm, Caplan) - Harri Davies

    ACTOR TWO (Lady Macbeth, Banquo, Duncan, Mcduff) - Megan Gwen Davies

    Written, directed, edited, and icon by Megan Gwen Davies

    transcript here

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    36 mins
  • 3 plays
    Jan 6 2023

    A spontaneous experiment over a voice call one day. Cai Gwilym Pritchard, Lee Tomanelli, and Dante Brown each took a random play off their shelves and combined the three of them, each reading one characters side of the conversation. It's very silly.

    Some minor edits and sound design have been added

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Patreon Ad 1

    Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/faustiannonsense Thank you to our Top Patrons! Jolene Probsnothawkeye

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    6 mins
  • The Wild Hunt
    May 26 2022

    What happens when a lost dog story meets a folk horror tale? This atmospheric short will take you deep into the forest to find out.

    Drawing inspiration from Welsh folklore, The Wild Hunt was written, read and produced by member's of Welsh cosy mystery series, Gather The Suspects.

    Gather The Suspects is part of the Faustian Nonsense network - find their show on our website (link).

    Writing: Jonathan Evans

    Reading: Edward Llewellyn

    Music and Audio production: Luke Wilhelm

    Want to submit something to FN Showoffs? send a file, title and short description along with your name and any links you want to go along side it to: fnshowoffs@gmail.com

    we are looking for interesting and unique sonic experiences, these can be stories, documentaries, experiments etc. Please try your best as we do expect a certain level of quality and any hateful content will automatically be rejected, obviously.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Patreon Ad 1

    Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/faustiannonsense Thank you to our Top Patrons! Jolene Probsnothawkeye

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    24 mins
  • Tableau
    May 24 2022

    (Submitted by Freddie Churchill)

    "I get very bored very quickly, I made these very short stories for those people who don’t have 5 hours plus to get through a whole narrative arch. These evocative and concise stories touch on all parts of life, fantasy and fiction. see the short Tableau’s of other peoples lives unfold before you."

    Writing, Narration, and Sound Design: Freddie Churchill

    Want to submit something to FN Showoffs? send a file, title and short description along with your name and any links you want to go alongside it to: fnshowoffs@gmail.com

    we are looking for interesting and unique sonic experiences, these can be stories, documentaries, experiments etc. Please try your best as we do expect a certain level of quality and any hateful content will automatically be rejected, obviously.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Patreon Ad 1

    Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/faustiannonsense Thank you to our Top Patrons! Jolene Probsnothawkeye

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    11 mins