In a recent News Nation Interview Veterans who worked at Area 51 came forward talking about their time at the facility which they claim has contributed to their and other former employees failing health issues. In the episode Area 51 was often referred to as "The Range. Looking back at the recent egg UAP video with and Jake Barber interview, he claimed his work was "on the range". Could Area 51 be the same place he was talking about? We examine this and other Area 51 lore in our 200th episode of Wild & Weird Radio.
(PS we had audio issues on this one that have since been repaired sorry about that)
Host: Ron Lanham & Joe Perdue
This episode made possible by those who support our YouTube channel!
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Paranormal Horizons
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News Nation Episode: 'Betrayal': Top secret Area 51 veterans dying as DOD keeps them classified | NewsNation Prime
NN: Area 51 veterans getting cancer as DOD denies they were there
Nevada Test Site: Down Winders
Jacob Barber Interview: (timestamp 7:17 "The Range")
Reality Check Barber Full Interview:
I Team Report on Bob Lazar: