Samarth Kanal is joined by Val Khorounzhiy, Josh Suttill, and special guest Michael Urcinoli of Grid Rival to preview the 2025 F1 season from a fantasy perspective. The specific fantasy game we discuss on this podcast is Grid Rival’s contracts-based F1 game, which we think is the best fantasy F1 game out there, especially for more invested and knowledgeable fans, who want a deeper gameplay experience. So listen in as Michael gives an overview of the game rules, shares pro tips and strategies, and explains the most common mistakes first time players make. There's also plenty of trash talk, as Val, Josh and Samarth reveal who they've picked for their teams and explain the logic behind their selections. GridRival is free to join and to play - download the app here and then take us on in The Race league here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit