In this episode we have Michelle Blasen bless us with her story, her triumph through struggle, and she opened my eyes to much of the divine feminine as she is only the second female on the pod thus far. She is a Performance and Identity coach, podcast host of, “The Asc3nd Podcast with Michelle Blasen,” and the founder of Asc3nsion Life Coaching Academy. She is a former athlete who had the dream of going professional since she was just 6 years old. That dream ended with a knee injury in her first year of college as she was training for the US women’s National team, that sent her on a 16 year journey of uncovering what identity truly means. Michelle has been coaching since 2014 and specializes in working with college and professional athletes, coaches, and founders in the healthcare and entertainment industry. She helps people to learn how to embody their new beliefs and to start remembering their souls purpose, which is why this conversation was so powerful! You can learn more about her story or connect with her via IG@ michelle_blazen , email , God bless and enjoy each moment!