• Recent readings from a local monthly open mic
    Mar 20 2020

    Brodcasted on Friday, March 20, 4-6pm EDT on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from the March 3rd reading in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly open mic reading series, you’ll hear readings by Bob MacKenzie, Devin G.A., Brent Raycroft, Devon Runions, Sarah Emtage, Alison Wong, Eric Folsom, Cory Tokay, Pigeon Kaduck, Jhordan Layne, Lee-Ann Taras, Ken Chin, Billie Kearns, Sasha Hill, Meg Freer, and me. In the second hour, continuing with that ‘and the journey continues’ open mic you’ll hear again readings by nearly all those reading above. This hour: Brent Raycroft, Devon Runions, Sarah Emtage, Alison Wong, Eric Folsom, Cory Tokay, Jhordan Layne, Leeann Taras, Ken Chin, Billie Kearns, Sasha Hill, Meg Freer, Bob MacKenzie, and me.

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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • Readings from two recent events: a recent book launch and an open mic
    Mar 15 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, March 13, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from a March 7th reading and discussion in celebration of International Women’s Day hosted by Inanna Publications and Novel Idea Bookstore, and with emcee Elizabeth Greene, you’ll hear readings by Lisa de Nikolits, Hannah Brown, Kate Kelly, and Ursula Pflug. In the second hour, continuing with that International Women’s Day reading and discussion, you’ll hear a final reading by the evening’s emcee Elizabeth Greene and then the Q&A after. Following that, from the March 3rd open mic in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly series, you’ll hear readings by Jhordan Layne, Lee-Ann Taras, Ken Chin, Billie Kearns, Gretchen Huntley, Sasha Hill, and Meg Freer.

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    2 hrs
  • Readings and performances from a recent poetry open mic and slam event
    Mar 9 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, March 6, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from the February 26th Queen’s Poetry Slam event held at The Grad Club, you’ll hear readings or performances by Izzy Federgreen, Adam Paquette, Caitlin Mundy, Holly, Tasha Ignatius, Jack Williams, Taylor Tye, Billie the Kid, and me. In the second hour, from the February 26th Queen’s Poetry Slam event held at The Grad Club, you’ll hear second round slam readings or performances by Taylor Tye, Izzy Federgreen, Jack Williams, and Billie the Kid.

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    1 hr and 58 mins
  • Readings from a recent event in its monthly open mic reading series
    Mar 2 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, February 28, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from the end of the first and then full second round in the February 4th ‘and the journey continues’ open mic reading in that series, you’ll hear readings by Joshua Schyff, Cory Tokay, Eric Folsom, Ron Chase, Sarah Emtage, Gretchen Huntley, Anne Graham, Allison Chisholm, Matt Drabenstott, Michael Casteels, Bob MacKenzie, Meg Freer, Lyle Merriam, Jhordan Layne, Sasha Hill, and me. In the second hour, from the third round that evening, you’ll hear readings by Ron Chase, Sarah Emtage, Gretchen Huntley, Michael Casteels, Bob MacKenzie, Meg Freer, Lyle Merriam, Jhordan Layne, Joshua Schyff, Eric Foldom, and me.

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    1 hr and 54 mins
  • Today’s ‘finding a voice features readings or discussions from a recent open mic and two book launch events
    Feb 24 2020

    Brodcasted on Friday, February 21, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from a January 30th book launch event at Novel Idea Bookstore, you’ll hear M. Max Hamon with his new book “The Audacity of his Enterprise: Luis Riel and the Metis Nation That Canada Never Was, 1840-1875”. Following that from the February 4th ‘and the journey continues’ open mic reading in that monthly series, you’ll hear readings by Matt Drabenstott, Michael Casteels, Bob MacKenzie, Meg Freer, Lyle Merriam, Jhordan Layne, Tia Lunn, and Sasha Hill. In the second hour, from a February 13th Kingston book launch and reading event at Novel Idea Bookstore, you’ll hear Ray Robertson reading from and discussing his new book, “How to Die: A Book About Being Alive”.

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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • This week’s show features a university reading and discussion, and 7 readings from a local open mic
    Feb 16 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, February 14, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ In the first hour, from the February 4th ‘and the journey continues’ open mic reading in that monthly series, you’ll hear readings by Ron Chase, Sarah Emtage, Allan Watt, and Gretchen Huntley. Following that, from the February 5th Creative Writing at Queen’s Reading and Conversation series, you’ll hear Lesley Belleau’s reading. In the second hour, from the Queen’s Creative Writing event, you’ll hear Lesley Belleau in conversation about her work and writing practices. Following that, from again the February 4th open mic, you’ll hear readings by Carma Niceforo, Anne Graham, and Allison Chisholm.

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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • Over 30 readings from the 4-disc collection “Poetry On Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work (1888-2006)”
    Feb 10 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, February 7, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – Over the course of both hours, you’ll hear readings or performances from 34 poets pulled from the 4-disc set called “Poetry On Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work (1888-2006)”

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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • Recent readings from a local open mic and a telephone interview and reading
    Feb 3 2020

    Broadcasted on Friday, January 31, 4-6pm ET on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from the January 7th ‘and the journey continues’ open mic reading in that monthly series, you’ll hear the full of the third round with readings by Sarah Emtage, Meg Freer, Bob MacKenzie, Michael Casteels, Dale Tracy, Alison Wong, Ken Chin, Leyla Pavao Chisamore, Ragini Singh, Cory Tokay, Eric Folsom, Jordan Layne, and me. In the second hour, you’ll hear a recent interview I conducted with author Charlene Jones, followed by her reading from her latest book – a memoir called “My Impossible Life” that was just released in November.

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    1 hr and 57 mins