Join the Co-host Chiefs this Thursday at 6PM CST. We'll be streaming live on Facebook and YouTube with this week’s guests, Keith and Tracy Duroy, as we discuss the Value of Peer Support for First Responders. Keith is a retired Oklahoma City Police Department Master Sergeant, AKA ( SWEET DADDY D), and Tracy retired from a lengthy career in the public safety field. They both have taken on new roles in support of first responders with the Oklahoma How 2 Love Our Cops and Warrior’s Rest Foundation.
Both non-profit organizations provide peer support for first responders. First responders are routinely exposed to traumatic workplace incidents, along with their own personal life stressors They are commonly responding to critical incidents (i.e., abuse, neglect, death, suicide). These events pose a significant risk of physical or psychological harm to the individuals. You do not want to miss this podcast even if you are not a first responder.