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FluentFiction - Irish

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Irish listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Irish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Irish and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Gaeltacht, Aran Islands, or Dingle Peninsula? Maybe you want to speak Irish with your grandparents from Galway?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in regions where Irish is primarily spoken, such as Ireland and Northern Ireland. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Irish listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Feabhsaigh do chumas éisteachta le scéalta Gaeilge inniu!
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  • Stormy Treasures: An Irish Adventure in Ancient Ruins
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Irish: Stormy Treasures: An Irish Adventure in Ancient Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ga: Fiadh, Niamh, agus Cillian, trí daoine an-difriúla, ach le sprioc amháin.En: Fiadh, Niamh, and Cillian, three very different people, yet with one goal.Ga: Bhí Fiadh ina seandálaí bríomhar.En: Fiadh was a lively archaeologist.Ga: Bhí suim aici sna suíomhanna monolaitheacha ársa in Éirinn.En: She was interested in the ancient monolithic sites in Ireland.Ga: Bhí sí bródúil as a cuid oibre.En: She was proud of her work.Ga: Bhí Niamh, a deirfiúr, ina grianghrafadóir cumasach.En: Niamh, her sister, was a talented photographer.Ga: Ba mhaith léi an grianghraf foirfe a ghlacadh.En: She wanted to take the perfect photo.Ga: Bhí Cillian, stairí áitiúil, an-tábhachtach dóibh mar threoraí.En: Cillian, a local historian, was very important to them as their guide.Ga: D’oibrigh an triúr le chéile ag féachaint ar na fothracha ársa.En: The three worked together, looking at the ancient ruins.Ga: An lá seo a bhí i gceist, bhí grian ag taitneamh sa samhradh.En: On this particular day, the summer sun was shining.Ga: Bhí na clocha ard mar a bhí stróiseacha i lár na tíre.En: The tall stones were like sentinels in the middle of the countryside.Ga: Bhí fiáin an dúlra ag fás timpeall na suíomhanna clocha.En: Wild nature was growing around the stone sites.Ga: Bhí Fiadh an-bhuíoch as an deis seo.En: Fiadh was very grateful for this opportunity.Ga: Bhí sí ag iarraidh teacht ar sheoda nó ar thréisiú nua.En: She was eager to find treasures or new evidence.Ga: Bhí Niamh ag lorg an phictiúr foirfe.En: Niamh was searching for the perfect picture.Ga: Bhí an comórtas grianghrafadóireachta mór ag druidim.En: The big photography competition was approaching.Ga: Chuaigh sí thart ag glacadh grianghraf de na colúin móra agus na líníochtaí sa charraig.En: She went around taking photos of the big columns and the carvings in the rock.Ga: Bhí sí lán le aire.En: She was completely focused.Ga: Ach bhí cúram an-mhór ar Cillian.En: But Cillian was very concerned.Ga: Thaitin sé leis an stair is na seandachtaí a chosaint.En: He liked to protect history and antiquities.Ga: Féachaint ar an spéir; bhí clúdaithe le scamaill dorcha.En: Looking at the sky, it was covered with dark clouds.Ga: An stoirm ag teacht.En: A storm was coming.Ga: Bhí Cillian ag rabhadh dóibh, “Caithfimid imeacht roimh an stoirm.En: Cillian warned them, "We need to leave before the storm.Ga: Is contúirteach é.”En: It’s dangerous."Ga: Ach bhí Fiadh ródhíograiseach.En: But Fiadh was too enthusiastic.Ga: Bhí sí ag iarraidh dul níos doimhne isteach sna ruíní.En: She wanted to go deeper into the ruins.Ga: Dúirt sí, "Ní féidir linn dul ar ais anois.En: She said, "We can’t go back now.Ga: B’fhéidir go bhfuil fionnachtain mhór roimhainn."En: There might be a major discovery ahead."Ga: Lean sí ag tochailt agus ag iniúchadh.En: She continued digging and exploring.Ga: Bhí Niamh ag iarraidh pictiúr ceart a fháil.En: Niamh wanted to get the perfect picture.Ga: Bhí sí ag súil le bua sa chomórtas.En: She was hoping to win the competition.Ga: Ach bhraith Cillian go raibh rud éigin mícheart.En: But Cillian felt something was wrong.Ga: Go tobann, d’imigh an talamh faoi chois Fiadh.En: Suddenly, the ground gave way under Fiadh.Ga: Thit sí isteach i seomra faoi thalamh.En: She fell into an underground chamber.Ga: Bhí sceitmíní ar gach duine.En: Everyone was startled.Ga: Bhí Niamh agus Cillian ag féachaint síos ionas go bhfacfaidís Fiadh.En: Niamh and Cillian looked down to see Fiadh.Ga: “Tá sí gafa!” scairt Cillian.En: "She’s trapped!" shouted Cillian.Ga: Bhí siad amuigh faoi na scamaill dorcha, ag druidim níos gaire.En: They were out under the dark clouds, which were getting closer.Ga: Chuaigh Cillian agus Niamh go tapaidh síos chun cabhrú léi.En: Cillian and Niamh quickly went down to help her.Ga: Thóg siad téad agus tarraing siad Fiadh aníos.En: They took a rope and pulled Fiadh up.Ga: Ba mithid dóibh.En: It was just in time.Ga: Bhí an stoirm níos gaire ná mar a cheap siad.En: The storm was closer than they thought.Ga: Bhí sé trom agus fealltach.En: It was heavy and treacherous.Ga: D’aimsigh Fiadh roinnt goirtíní beaga agus cáipéisí i lámh aici.En: Fiadh found some small artifacts and documents in her hand.Ga: Bhí sí buíoch leis an gcoiscín aníos roimh an stoirm.En: She was grateful for being brought up before the storm.Ga: Bhí Niamh cróga agus thug sí greim ar ghrianghraf de na ruíní le tintreach sa chúlra.En: Niamh bravely captured a photo of the ruins with lightning in the background.Ga: Bhí an íomhá galánta agus drámatúil.En: The image was gorgeous and dramatic.Ga: D’éirigh leo teacht amach díreach ...
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    19 min
  • Moonlit Rescue: Lifeguards Unite to Save a Child at Moonlit Bay
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Irish: Moonlit Rescue: Lifeguards Unite to Save a Child at Moonlit Bay Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ga: Aoibhín bhí gealach lonrach sa spéir agus gaineamh órga faoinár gcosa.En: Aoibhín, there was a bright moon in the sky and golden sand beneath our feet.Ga: Bhí trá an Ghealachlonnach tí.r..pcctur b)n m)ran tsníomh, le fuaim na dtonnta síthe ag bualadh an chladaigh.En: The beach of Moonlit Bay was picturesque, with the sound of gentle waves hitting the shore.Ga: Aoife agus Cian a bhí ar dualgas mar mhaoir farraige ar feadh an fhéile samhraidh.En: Aoife and Cian were on duty as lifeguards during the summer festival.Ga: Bhí Aoife dícheallach agus leanann sí na rialacha i gcónaí.En: Aoife was diligent and always followed the rules.Ga: Bhí Cian níos Cairdiúla agus ba bhreá leis taitneamh a bhaint as an nóiméad.En: Cian was friendlier and loved to enjoy the moment.Ga: Bhí Aoife ag breathnú go géar ar na baiteoirí, ag iarraidh gach duine a choinneáil slán.En: Aoife was watching the swimmers intently, trying to keep everyone safe.Ga: Bhí sí ag iarraidh dul i bhfeidhm ar a maoirseoir freisin.En: She also wanted to impress her supervisor.Ga: "Cian, caithfidh tú a bheith níos dáiríre," a dúirt sí, beagáinín míshásta.En: "Cian, you need to be more serious," she said, a bit dissatisfied.Ga: "Tá mé dáiríre, Aoife, ach caithfimid spraoi a bheith againn freisin," arsa Cian, ag féachaint suas ar an ngealach.En: "I am serious, Aoife, but we also need to have fun," Cian replied, looking up at the moon.Ga: Ach ansin, thréig sí a buairt faoi Chian de réir a chéile nuair a thug siad faoi deara rud scanrúil.En: But then, she gradually abandoned her concerns about Cian when they noticed something alarming.Ga: Bhí páiste beag caillte.En: A small child was lost.Ga: Thosaigh an gorm le gach cúinne den trá a chuardach agus thoisc an slua a bheith ag méadú.En: The beach began a frantic search, as the crowd started to swell.Ga: Bhí Aoife ag éirí níos strusmhaire.En: Aoife became increasingly stressed.Ga: Bhí sí ag smaoineamh ar na prótacail a bhí léite aici a leanúint, ach bhí an séans ann go bhfuil sé ródheireanach.En: She was thinking about following the protocols she had read, but there was a chance it might be too late.Ga: "Caithfimid oibriú le chéile anois," arsa Cian go práinneach.En: "We need to work together now," Cian said urgently.Ga: Bhí sé ag taispeáint dúthracht nach bhfaca Aoife roimhe.En: He was showing a dedication Aoife had never seen before.Ga: Dúnadh suas a leathán compordach agus rinne sé soláthar croí.En: He quickly folded up his comfortable chair and made a spirited effort.Ga: D’fhéach Aoife ar Cian, agus thuig sí gur chóir dóibh a chinntú éisti ar vigeir chuí an trá agus tairbhe as scil deiridh.En: Aoife looked at Cian and realized they needed to focus on the immediate needs of the beach and make use of their final skills.Ga: D'athraigh a meon; bhí gá le comhghníomh.En: Her attitude changed; collaboration was essential.Ga: Agus iad ag chuardach cois na dtonnta, chonaic siad an pháiste ag stragail sa uisce.En: As they searched along the waterline, they saw the child struggling in the sea.Ga: Gluaiseadar go tapa, gan moill.En: They moved quickly, without delay.Ga: Le chéile, tharraing Aoife agus Cian an pháiste amach as na tonnta.En: Together, Aoife and Cian pulled the child from the waves.Ga: Bhí an pháiste slán sábháilte.En: The child was safe.Ga: Bhí faoiseamh orthu an beatha a shábháil, cé go raibh siad bhfoilsiú ag an méid a fhoghlaimigh siad tact transit.En: They felt relieved to have saved a life, even though they were reflecting on what they had learned from the experience.Ga: Bhí Aoife sásta.En: Aoife was pleased.Ga: D'fhoghlaim sí bheith níos solúbtha agus baineadh di strus.En: She learned to be more flexible and less stressed.Ga: Thuig Cian a raibh dáiríre sa shaol.En: Cian understood the gravity of life.Ga: Bhí meas seanmhór eatarthu anois.En: There was great mutual respect between them now.Ga: Sa deireadh, le gealán na gealaí ag preabadh ar an bhfarraige, d'fheach Aoife agus Cian ar a gcéile le bród agus buíochas.En: In the end, with the shining moon reflecting on the sea, Aoife and Cian looked at each other with pride and gratitude.Ga: Bhí siad níos láidre mar fhoireann, agus scéal den tsráid seo, a spreagadh iad ar feadh an saol.En: They were stronger as a team, and the story of this night would inspire them for life.Ga: "An féidir linn taitneamh a bhaint as an trá anois?" arsa Cian leanbhúil.En: "Can we enjoy the beach now?" asked Cian playfully.Ga: "Is féidir," arsa Aoife ag gáire, "ach a bheith ullamh i gcónaí."En: "We can," laughed Aoife, "but always be prepared." Vocabulary Words:intently: go géardissatisfied: ...
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    16 min
  • Rebuilding Bonds: Sibling Reunion Amid Ireland's Rugged Cliffs
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Irish: Rebuilding Bonds: Sibling Reunion Amid Ireland's Rugged Cliffs Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Ga: Niamh d'fhéach amach thar na hailleacha ollmhóra, ghaineamh brídeach an Atlantaigh ag clisgeadh isteach ina gclocha géar.En: Niamh looked out over the massive cliffs, the sparkling sand of the Atlantic crashing into the sharp rocks.Ga: Bhí a croí beagán trom, ag smaoineamh ar cé chomh fada a bhí sí as baile.En: Her heart was a little heavy, thinking of how far she was from home.Ga: Bhí mionbhraon allais ar a bacán.En: A small bead of sweat formed on her back.Ga: Tháinig sí ar ais go hÉirinn le ceangal a dhéanamh lena teaghlaigh, ach bhraith sí cosúil le strainséir sa bhaile anois.En: She had come back to Ireland to reconnect with her family, but now she felt like a stranger at home.Ga: D'fhan Sean taobh thiar di le chéile a dhéanamh leis an bhfeirm.En: Sean stayed behind her to tend to the farm.Ga: Bhí cuma chrua air, ach ní raibh a shúile róshona.En: He had a tough appearance, but his eyes weren't very happy.Ga: Ní raibh aithne mhaith acu ar deireadh thiar na blianta.En: They hadn't really known each other well over the years.Ga: Bhí an ghaoth ag séideadh idir iad, chomh fuar le briseadh croí.En: The wind was blowing between them, as cold as a heartbreak.Ga: "Sean," a dúirt Niamh go híseal, "tá brón orm gur d'fhág mé tú.En: "Sean," Niamh said quietly, "I'm sorry I left you.Ga: Bhí orm dul ag iarraidh rud éigin eile.En: I needed to go looking for something else."Ga: "D'fhéach Sean uirthi leis na súile dorcha sin atá lán d'ólc.En: Sean looked at her with those dark eyes full of sorrow.Ga: "Níl sé éasca anseo, Niamh.En: "It's not easy here, Niamh.Ga: Tá tú imithe agus tá mé fágtha le gach rud.En: You left and I was left with everything."Ga: "Bhraith Niamh go raibh deora ag bailiú ina súile.En: Niamh felt tears gathering in her eyes.Ga: "Ní raibh mé ar an eolas faoi cé chomh crua is atá sé duit.En: "I didn't realize how hard it was for you.Ga: Níl mé ag iarraidh gur cheap tú go raibh mé ag éalú uait.En: I didn't want you to think that I was running away from you."Ga: "D'fhan ciúnas eatarthu, gan ach an fhuaim farraige ag bualadh in aghaidh na n-aill.En: Silence lingered between them, with only the sound of the sea crashing against the cliffs.Ga: Ansin, le glór níos ciúine, d'fhreagair Sean, "Ní raibh mé ag iarraidh é a admháil, ach tá áthas orm go bhfuil tú ar ais.En: Then, in a quieter voice, Sean replied, "I didn't want to admit it, but I'm glad you're back.Ga: Níl mé ag iarraidh a bheith ag streachailt liom féin a thuilleadh.En: I don't want to struggle alone anymore.Ga: Ní fhéadfadh mé a rá leat go raibh mé buartha fós.En: I couldn't tell you how worried I was."Ga: "Chuir Niamh a lámh ar lámh Sheáin.En: Niamh placed her hand on Sean's hand.Ga: "Tá muid anseo anois.En: "We're here now.Ga: Tá muid le chéile arís.En: We're together again.Ga: Cabhróimid lena chéile, agus déanfaimid an méid is féidir.En: We'll help each other, and we'll do our best."Ga: "Bhí dínit ar aghaidh Sheáin ag dul ar aghaidh agus í ag dul i bhfad ó ardtroig magairlí na n-aill.En: A touch of dignity appeared on Sean's face as he turned away from the towering cliffs.Ga: Chuir sé greim air féin ón gcoic).En: He held onto himself firmly.Ga: "Sea, Niamh.En: "Yes, Niamh.Ga: Cruthaighfimid an teaghlach as athuair.En: We'll rebuild the family anew."Ga: "Bhí beagán suaimhnis ag teacht os a chionn.En: A bit of calm began to come over him.Ga: D'fhéach siad amach arís ar an aigéan, a radharc iontach ag cuimhneachán orthu gur féidir leo na n-amanna crua a throid mar dheartháir agus deirfiúr.En: They looked out again at the ocean, the view reminding them that they could face hard times together as brother and sister.Ga: Glaoigh slán fada sa deireadh, rinne siad socrú go mbeadh siad ann dá chéile ó seo amach.En: Bidding a long farewell, they made an agreement to be there for each other from now on.Ga: Ní raibh ann ach tús nua.En: It was just a new beginning.Ga: Le chéile, thosódh siad arís, ag tógáil a dteaghlaigh agus ag tabhairt aire dá chéile.En: Together, they would start again, building their family and taking care of each other.Ga: Bhí an ghaoth ag séideadh leo mar chomharthaí ón dúlra go mbeidh rudaí ag dul i gceart.En: The wind was blowing as a sign from nature that things would be okay.Ga: Bhí an saol roimh Niamh agus Sean chomh hiontach is a bhí an radharc ar na hailleacha, lán le dóchas agus gealltanas.En: Life before Niamh and Sean was as magnificent as the view of the cliffs, full of hope and promise.Ga: Bhí a fhios acu anois nach mbeadh siad riamh ina n-aonar arís.En: They knew now they would never be alone again. Vocabulary Words:cliffs: ...
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    16 min

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