1:27 Frank describes his move from a national Indigenous financial institute to the newly created NationFUND business.
2:06 Growing up in northern Manitoba and watching the devastating impact of a mine closure.
3:14 How a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies and an aptitude for numbers helped shape his career in finance.
5:04 The value of relationship-building and his role as a translator between 'creatives' and 'the bean-counters.'
6:04 He joins the FNFA thanks to his wife's chance airport encounter with Ernie Daniels.
12:13 He sees progress, but systemic barriers are still there.
15:05 How a colonial mindset limits economic development in some First Nations.
18:00. Policy barriers as reserves as seen as 'the Queen's land.'
19:20 The Covid pandemic strikes just as Frank and his partners establish their business.
21:12 The marketing model to find new business.
24:26 Taking the Robin Hood approach to leveraging $$ in community development.
26:14 The Malahat Studio project that shows development can be more than a convenience store.
26:54 The need for equity and the right to sit at the table.
28:08 He sees growth in renewable energy and local food production technology.
31:18 The need to tread a fine line when exploring Indigenous tourism.
33:58 Author Frank Busch and his award-winning Grey Eyes book.
39:41 How to contact Frank for more information – www.nationfund.ca