• From Timid to Trailblazer: Lucas's Carnival Awakening

  • Jan 20 2025
  • Durée: 16 min
  • Podcast

From Timid to Trailblazer: Lucas's Carnival Awakening

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇧🇷: From Timid to Trailblazer: Lucas's Carnival Awakening Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/pb/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-01-pb Story Transcript:Pb: O sol brilhou forte naquele verão em Salvador.En: The sun shone brightly that summer in Salvador.Pb: As ruas estreitas estavam vivas.En: The narrow streets were alive.Pb: Cores vibrantes enchiam o ar.En: Vibrant colors filled the air.Pb: O som dos tambores ecoava em cada esquina.En: The sound of drums echoed on every corner.Pb: Era Carnaval, e a cidade estava onde a alegria não tinha limites.En: It was Carnaval, and the city was where joy had no limits.Pb: Lucas, um adolescente tímido, andava ao lado de sua família.En: Lucas, a shy teenager, walked alongside his family.Pb: Marina e Felipe, seus irmãos mais velhos, já estavam dançando.En: Marina and Felipe, his older siblings, were already dancing.Pb: Eles riam e pulavam ao ritmo da música.En: They laughed and jumped to the rhythm of the music.Pb: Lucas olhava ao redor, tentando entender a energia ao seu redor.En: Lucas looked around, trying to understand the energy surrounding him.Pb: Ele sentia que estava em um mundo diferente.En: He felt like he was in a different world.Pb: Um mundo onde todos pareciam estar no lugar certo, menos ele.En: A world where everyone seemed to be in the right place, except him.Pb: Enquanto andavam, Lucas via grupos de pessoas fantasiadas com roupas brilhantes.En: As they walked, Lucas saw groups of people dressed in bright costumes.Pb: Havia sambistas, baianas, personagens de filmes e até super-heróis.En: There were sambistas, baianas, movie characters, and even superheroes.Pb: Tudo era tão intenso.En: Everything was so intense.Pb: Ele queria sentir-se parte disso, mas a multidão e o barulho o deixavam nervoso.En: He wanted to feel part of it, but the crowd and the noise made him nervous.Pb: Felipe percebeu o irmão quieto.En: Felipe noticed his brother was quiet.Pb: “Vamos, Lucas! Entre no ritmo!”En: "Come on, Lucas! Get into the rhythm!"Pb: Marina juntou-se a ele, puxando Lucas para uma roda de samba.En: Marina joined him, pulling Lucas into a samba circle.Pb: Porém, Lucas hesitou.En: However, Lucas hesitated.Pb: Ele não sabia como perder o medo daquele caos organizado.En: He didn't know how to lose the fear of that organized chaos.Pb: Logo à frente, um jovem chamou a atenção de Lucas.En: Just ahead, a young man caught Lucas's attention.Pb: Ele liderava um bloco de Carnaval.En: He was leading a Carnaval block.Pb: Era um grupo que convidava as pessoas a se juntar.En: It was a group inviting people to join.Pb: Lucas viu sua chance de tentar algo novo.En: Lucas saw his chance to try something new.Pb: Ele respirou fundo, ignorou o medo e decidiu seguir o bloco.En: He took a deep breath, ignored the fear, and decided to follow the block.Pb: Algo dentro dele dizia que essa era a sua oportunidade.En: Something inside him said that this was his opportunity.Pb: Com passos tímidos, Lucas se misturou ao bloco.En: With timid steps, Lucas mingled with the block.Pb: O carnaval parecia um grande oceano de pessoas, mas, pouco a pouco, Lucas começou a se sentir mais à vontade.En: The carnaval seemed like a vast ocean of people, but, little by little, Lucas started to feel more comfortable.Pb: A batida das percussões fez seu coração pulsar junto.En: The beat of the percussion made his heart throb along.Pb: As pessoas dançavam ao seu redor, incorporando-o em suas alegrias.En: People danced around him, incorporating him into their joy.Pb: De repente, ao som de um samba animado, um espaço abriu ao redor de Lucas.En: Suddenly, to the sound of lively samba, a space opened around Lucas.Pb: Ele sentiu o olhar da multidão.En: He felt the gaze of the crowd.Pb: O líder do bloco sorria e o encorajava a continuar.En: The block leader smiled and encouraged him to continue.Pb: Sem pensar muito, Lucas deixou que seu corpo seguisse mais livremente a música.En: Without much thought, Lucas let his body follow the music more freely.Pb: E algo incrível aconteceu: ele começou a liderar a dança.En: And something incredible happened: he started to lead the dance.Pb: A multidão ao seu redor vibrou, aplaudindo e incentivando.En: The crowd around him vibrated, clapping and encouraging.Pb: Era como se o mundo inteiro estivesse com ele.En: It was as if the whole world was with him.Pb: Lucas se sentiu leve, feliz.En: Lucas felt light, happy.Pb: Pela primeira vez, ele era parte daquela harmonia colorida.En: For the first time, he was part of that colorful harmony.Pb: Ao final do desfile, Lucas voltou para sua família.En: At the end of the parade, Lucas returned to his family.Pb: Marina e Felipe estavam orgulhosos.En: Marina and Felipe were proud.Pb: “Você dançou demais, Lucas!” disse Marina, enquanto Felipe o abraçava.En: "You danced so well, Lucas!" said Marina, while Felipe hugged him.Pb: Lucas estava ...
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